07-29-2009, 04:01 PM
Carol, how does your post differ from your accusation? There is some criticism of PunaWeb and Rob's management style on PunaOnline. Some of the criticisms have been mine, but none I haven't previously expressed here on PunaWeb. I happen to like both sites. I also happen to have differences with both sites. I can live with that. PunaOnline tends to be a bit wilder and free form. The membership is much smaller than PunaWeb but is every bit as diverse. The diversity seems to be more welcomed by the PunaOnline members and is probably more evenly distributed across the political spectrum. I havaen't noticed the vitriol on PunaOnline that I've at times experienced on PunaWeb although the members on PunaOnline are quick to call "bulls**t" when they see fit, even when they are wrong. So far all arguing has been good natured, even when harsh. It isn't unusual to comment on PunaWeb happenings on PunaOnline, after all, PunaWeb is a much more mature (as in developed but read how you want) site with more members and visitors and therefore activity. I like both sites but sometimes on PunaWeb I feel so much in the minority that I don't bother to speak out. In other words I don't always call B.S. when I see it because I might cause a stampede which will get nasty. I have felt at times that Rob's management hasn't always been as fair as he probably thinks. At times he has given the impression that those of a political persuasion closely akin to that of his own are given more of a free hand when criticizing those holding opposing views. I suppose it is hard to always remain objective. Over all I like PunaWeb, most of the time, and I respect Rob. I reserve the right to criticize. I imagine Robs has been curious enough to visit PunaOnline. I believe his comments would be welcome there, even if he calls B.S. when he sees it. You can post there too Carol. You don't have to lurk. I really don't think Rob will see you as a traitor for openly visiting PunaOnline. I don't think I am. I have even visited Jays site, but I just lurked. I'm not currently in a position to contribute to that site. I'm a member of the HPP forum too. Unfortunately it seems near dead. A shame. Oh yeah, I don't think PunaOnline is exporting trolls although anybody can act the troll on occasion. Your post could be construed that way. It obviously got me fired up
Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.