08-24-2009, 02:44 PM
I probably should have read all posts first...but I caught the blue rock mention. Do you know that blue rock will actually "bust up" with a simple O'O bar? I know, it's easier with a backhoe using a hammer (hoe ram)...but, I know from experience that you can slam an O'O bar over & over and that blue rock will "bust em up" and with "smoke" yet...you will know it's blue rock when you see the smoke. Just recently my neighbors and I took turns digging 6 holes for 4X4's in my yard for the new huli-huli pit structure...blue rock-city. Three of us sweating, panting, handing over the bar, but we got her done. It is bust-able without a jack hammer, or any other implement, humans can do it...and it's such good therapy for me anyway []