09-23-2009, 07:10 AM
I really hope everyone calls her and then logs their call and her response here, on Puna Web. I sent an email and asked friends to email her and get a yes/no if no why? response and then email me. Evey email back to me was in favor of voting for Yagongs Amendment to Bill 132. One person said, you are wasting your time emailing Emily. She doesn't read/respond to email. I don't know if that is true, I do think it is better to call the office, give your name, ask if Emily is supporting Bill 132 as amended by Council Member Yagong. If she's in some kind of a snit for some reason, she can darn well get over it and grow up. Bill 132 as amended by Yagong is a good bill. Transparency and accountability is key to good governance in Hawaii. I don't care who is related to whom else..., in one way or another we are all related. She needs to support her district who supports this bill.