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HPP Road Maint. Fees post 2012/13-County control?
As per:

"3. What is the effect of the paving bond on annual road maintenance fees charged to owners?
The Board annually sets the road fees. The Bylaws do not allow more than a 10% increase annually. It is
assumed that to meet the bond payback schedule and maintain our non-paved roads (which the indenture
requires), the 10% maximum allowed annual increases will continue only through 2012/13. Thereafter,
the Board will determine if annual increases are needed and at what percent to cover the remaining bond
debt service and to continue maintenance of non-paved roads."

Can I assume that come 2013 my multiple per/lot road maintenance fees will stop growing by a mandated 10% / year? What happens after? 3%? 5%? ?%? How much did it cost to maintain the roads pre-bond? How much does it cost now? Can I as a lot owner see the books on the roads?

I've seen first hand in similar communities what happens with private roads in private neighborhoods managed by private people - inefficiency, inability and high costs that grow exponentially and inordinately.

I think we in HPP as a community should seriously weigh the benefits of our roads being private vs. County maintained.

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HPP Road Maint. Fees post 2012/13-County control? - by beejee - 09-29-2011, 03:11 PM

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