09-30-2009, 04:30 AM
without gong in to detail ... I think its safe to say our state laws are narrower than federal concerning weapons.
This is not a state that I would fire in self defense without talking to a attorney first ..... one hand on the cell phone the other squeezing off a round, quite the mental image. - grin
Funny thing is we tightly control guns ... and have the worst drivers in the country - related? grin
Aloha , back to the garden , manana
This is not a state that I would fire in self defense without talking to a attorney first ..... one hand on the cell phone the other squeezing off a round, quite the mental image. - grin
Funny thing is we tightly control guns ... and have the worst drivers in the country - related? grin
Aloha , back to the garden , manana