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Yagong's bill 132 for land sale transparency delay
Most politicians and many leaders of other organizations have writers who craft for them. This is obviously true of Obama, for instance. The point is not who may write for Emily but what it is that is written and that it captures the pricipal's (in this case Emily's) thought process.

As to the bill itself, Emily is right. Transparency is already in place. Any land transaction is captured in public records so we can all look up the amounts and buyers. Yagong knows this as do most other people. This is all about slowing down or stopping the sale and moving authority to the Council. Further the declared purpose of the buyer is also a sham. A buyer can say whatever he/she wishes and then either change his/her mind or resell the property. So what did declaring the purpose achieve? Really nothing.

I am surprised that so many appear to be buying the sham. It would be more intellectually honest to simply state the real situation - which is these folks do not want to see the sale and anything that can slow or stop it is favorable. Ok, that is fine - state it and move on.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Yagong's bill 132 for land sale transparency delay - by wax - 10-02-2009, 06:53 AM

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