10-06-2009, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by PaulW
Dick, I'm not blaming anyone or anything. Please tell me this: if the number of firearms physically present in Hawaii rose by x%, do you think the number of firearms deaths would increase, decrease, or stay the same?
The amount of firearms in Hawaii goes up every year, however the murder rate does not. Oregon seesm to have the same murder rate we do and they can get CCW for defense, in fact Oregon even allows switchblades and automatic weapons. Oregon has Machine guns and the law abiding public can carry a firearm and they have a similiar murder rate per capita as Hawaii. California's murder rate goes up every year and they have much tougher gun laws than Hawaii.
Afraid of accidently killing a loved one with a gun, therefor you dont own one. Best get rid of any meds in your house, knives, scissors, matches, cars, booze, stairs, hard surfaces, etc. I've had guns in my house for ALL of my life and amazingly nobody I love or even know has been hurt by one. Go figure. If somebody accidently kills somebdoy with a firearm that they own, then it's not the firearm that's the problem it's the brain dead idiot who fires the thing that's the problem and they'd be just as dangerous with any other possible lethal item in the house.