10-13-2009, 10:15 AM
For all you supporters of charter schools: the budget crisis is being used as an excuse to further slash the budgets of charter schools in an attempt to kill charter schools by a death of a thousand paper cuts. Per pupil funding of charters is already about 1/2 of the funding regular DOE schools get, and is supposed to go down another $600 next year, plus charter schools have to pay for buildings and facilities out of their per pupil funding, DOE schools don't.
Now the Special Education staffs at charter schools are being furloughed, but it is a violation of the civil rights and state and federal law to have the special education students on campus without SPED staff. This means that charter schools, many of whom found ways to cut their budgets without furloughs, will be forced to close on furlough days or else operate in violation of the law.
If you support charter schools, and want them to be a viable option here in Hawaii, please contact every legislator you can and ask (demand?) that charter schools be funded at the same level as all other Hawaii schools and students. Without equal funding charter schools will not exist in Hawaii in another 3-5 years.
For all you supporters of charter schools: the budget crisis is being used as an excuse to further slash the budgets of charter schools in an attempt to kill charter schools by a death of a thousand paper cuts. Per pupil funding of charters is already about 1/2 of the funding regular DOE schools get, and is supposed to go down another $600 next year, plus charter schools have to pay for buildings and facilities out of their per pupil funding, DOE schools don't.
Now the Special Education staffs at charter schools are being furloughed, but it is a violation of the civil rights and state and federal law to have the special education students on campus without SPED staff. This means that charter schools, many of whom found ways to cut their budgets without furloughs, will be forced to close on furlough days or else operate in violation of the law.
If you support charter schools, and want them to be a viable option here in Hawaii, please contact every legislator you can and ask (demand?) that charter schools be funded at the same level as all other Hawaii schools and students. Without equal funding charter schools will not exist in Hawaii in another 3-5 years.
Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb