10-14-2009, 06:25 AM
I have two kids in Keonepoko Elementary and they have been there for a number of years. This is a failing school yet the teachers and administration are caring and concerned. It's just dysfunctional. Why?
Many of the families are dysfunctional; it's a revelation going to school functions. In a place like Pahoa (Big Island/Hawaii), with it's limited educational opportunities and meaningful employment means most of the best and brightest move to where there is opportunity leaving those who are not as ambitious or educated and usually poor with the associated social problems.
Most of the more community motivated and educated here are older retirees without school aged children and few even have grandkids here so they are less informed and involved in the everyday school problems. Or they are like myself; somewhat unorthodox and skeptical of the present system. All this makes parent involvement sketchy.
A state run system such as the DOE just doesn't work but would local control work in this environment? However it couldn't be worse.
Much of what goes on in school is babysitting (daycare at best). My kids watch a lot of cartoons and videos during class time. My daughter, who loves to read, now complains about boring reading class. On questioning, it seems all time is spent in group discussions on answering questions geared to test taking (thank you federal government). Where do they instill the love of reading and study and the skills required?
Teachers seem more interested in vacation time than time in the class. I probably would too if I had to deal with all the problems the kids bring to class and lack of admin/parental support along with the legal inability to maintain discipline. Too much off time is not good for students or teachers; it is hard and takes time to recover lost ground. At least one week before fall, winter, spring vacations and two weeks before summer are basically lost anticipating it and days or weeks are required to get the kids back on track when they return. This will now be worse with all the 3 and 4 day weekends coming up.
Unions, not a fan. They have lost the focus on education and the kids with their concerns of self interest; both the unions and the teachers. The furlough days are a ploy to get funding by destroying our kids education and inconveniencing the parents who need the daycare so they can keep their jobs.
Their hope was for a public protest and a tax increase; how little they know their community where everyone just accepts what is and goes on; only making sure an alternative daycare is available at minimal cost. After all what is the reason for sending our kids to school?
Would I agree to an increase in taxes to eliminate the furloughs. No. It was just as dysfunctional before. This will motivate me and no doubt others to change things even if only for my own kids. In the meantime the schools get a new excuse for poor performance.
Charter schools offer some hope but not much. I don't know how well my kids will be prepared for the 21st century world by learning Hawaiian, chanting, hala leave weaving and hula. Well, there are some jobs at the hotel luaus. Anyone need a lauhala hat?