10-14-2009, 02:43 PM
This makes me so very sad for Hawaii's children. My son just started Kindergarten, and a parent in his class said in regards to the fulrough, "Oh well, it's only kindergarten right?" Kindergarten is the ground floor to education, if a house was built with a shoddy foundation it would be no time at all before the whole thing collapsed. I just can't rap my mind around what they were thinking, and who exactly they are? For the DOE to have the teachers take these days off, it's the equivalent of putting on a big theatrical production and at the last minute firing all of the performers. I mean what about all the behind the scenes people. I know this won't be a popular view, The teachers too should take some of the blame, while I do agree that they are underpaid and overworked, and their services are valuable and they should be compensated, I also beleive that there first loyalty above all should be the children. Everyone and their brother right now is being forced to take a pay cut, they should have accepted a paycut and not allowed these days to be taken away. That being said, this itself, should have been the LAST resort, and in my opinion not a very good one. I think the head honchos should have all taken a paycut, and figured out ways to cut the fat in the administration. I've wrote letters to the paper, I don't know what else to do, I hear of protests on other islands I wish there would be some here, I'd love to participate. Angela