10-29-2009, 04:54 AM
could be ...
my reading "regular" bunnies at 60 cycles, 6 ft tall bunnies at 72 hz. and wild samoans at 87.5 hz when the plasma goes unstable. Be careful it swings to Brits from Eton college at 90hz . Add some switching to that electromagnetic field and you are there Glen
tongans, tongans ...... here they are "friendly" a really narrow band = 76.11432 hz, you will need some crystal rectifiers to get that "skinny" on the frequency....
my reading "regular" bunnies at 60 cycles, 6 ft tall bunnies at 72 hz. and wild samoans at 87.5 hz when the plasma goes unstable. Be careful it swings to Brits from Eton college at 90hz . Add some switching to that electromagnetic field and you are there Glen
tongans, tongans ...... here they are "friendly" a really narrow band = 76.11432 hz, you will need some crystal rectifiers to get that "skinny" on the frequency....