11-02-2009, 12:47 PM
Again, thank you all for the kind notes of welcome. EightFingers, the Unisaw was the first thing to go in the container- have no idea how we're going to unload it, but will figure something out. Jerry, looking forward to meeting you and Bear and once we loose some mainland weight, going on a hike with you both! Kathy: thanks for the info on movers. Is your son still doing tile work on the Hilo side? We may need some work with slate in Glen's shower (Ed made some privacy curtains for the shower just for Glen- if anyone hasn't seen pics of the shower, let me know and I'll send you a link.) Glen has an open invitation to the shower, by the way, once he finally comes West, West, no FURTHER west! Come on Glen! KeaauRich, where in Orchidland? Send an email if you like. Aloha all.