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Realtors/Real Estate Agents in online forums
Those with superior knowledge are required to have a superior regard for the truth. Common law tenant, and I believe the foundation for most professional organizations

If agent as a private individual ... makes a subjective statement - not wise, but that is free speech - have at it boy Ive made a few -

If an agent adds his real estate "degrees" and phone number below the statement .... He or she needs to do due diligence before making that statement as the agent is now acting in a professional capacity and "owns" the comment. Does your doctor joke about your neighbors chart with you?

In this case I believe he was soliciting (or trying to steal) a client (mashing a newbie) in his way being funny to get her attention and leaving the "catchy" post so he could flash his contact info.... (a pattern me thinks)

The reply - criminal rain- was made to a question about crime, i posted the fern ares web addy for that info, John jumped in. I think, unthinkingly, denigrating a neighborhood out of habit using a cheap shot to gain attention.

I called him on it - he couldn't let it go or see my point - rather he wants to fight and is still confused between ethics and liability, personal and professional.

Kind of sad really, like watching a train-wreck I thought with all his acronyms he was well studied experienced and would be a good representative to discus - debate the issue, rather what we got was anger and lashing out.

Im still getting angry confusing notes in my mailbox from him inviting me to sue... my issue here is ethics not liability, nor am I interested in a suit. All I want is agents to be careful about slamming areas where folks have invested their life's savings and heart. Whether it be acres, hpp or anyplace else. Do we dis where our friends live even if its a dump I think not, Do I (try - not always successful) bite my tongue about the places I think have issues - you bet - even as just a poster... respect is the concept here.

Its really easy ... park the subjective opinions and hand over the facts or disclaim the fact you don't know. That is an agents job.

As a licensed professional I wouldn't call the ethics board a country club either - just more bashing .. it just a very sad deal all around. I feel sorry for him, his clients and the poor folks subjected to all this rhetoric

His last note to me shares that he is done with the post, for me to take my pills and sue him

Lets hope this is the last post -

and no Im not part of the industry or do i know any of the agents following this thread personally, Cynthia by reputation only, it is very good and far and wide, even her competitors praise her. -

But if I were in Puna real estate Id pay attention, this topic having gained "legs" in the industry me thinks.

If Johns done, Im done, Cynthia is done? and Rob agrees I would lock this topic, I also think for Johns sake a consideration by the others of deleting this thread and the other thread would be a kindness to John and has my support


edit= forgot some commas


Messages In This Thread
RE: Realtors/Real Estate Agents in online forums - by missydog1 - 11-02-2009, 09:23 AM
RE: Realtors/Real Estate Agents in online forums - by missydog1 - 11-02-2009, 03:32 PM
RE: Realtors/Real Estate Agents in online forums - by Bullwinkle - 11-04-2009, 10:54 AM
RE: Realtors/Real Estate Agents in online forums - by missydog1 - 11-04-2009, 03:59 PM
RE: Realtors/Real Estate Agents in online forums - by missydog1 - 11-06-2009, 07:44 AM
RE: Realtors/Real Estate Agents in online forums - by missydog1 - 11-06-2009, 04:15 PM

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