11-09-2009, 03:25 AM
Bullwinkle on ethics and transparency.
This topic having been explored in the heat of passion and some serious debate in the last week I thought id offer my closing thoughts, good byes and and least in my opinion a solution.
First let me begin with a clarification..
I lumped and offended and carelessly denigrated a group of folks ... something like like "transplanted (fill in the subdivision here) real estate folks are the worst." Without thinking I slighted many AND ONE in particular, An agent ... who in reality had enough class to keep their mouth shut over personal doubts about this site - following a code of conduct. Even today The agent has not called for a pound of flesh due them - real class.
.... what tumbled on to the page completely different, and another dish of crow for the moose please......
Back to ethics:
My issue is this ... I feel as a poster doing my very best to provide open and honest information about the life we share here in Puna I was making a contribution to the whole.
In retrospect, I am coming to the belief that my work product and that of many others that have made this site was it is ... May in turn used for personal or business gain - My fundamental obligation to and belief in transparency being the elephant romping about in this case and my recent postings.
My belief in my opinion solidified as series of communications that occurred very early - like at message 2 and 3 on the first post, when Dmarie was in the cross hairs. The increase in buzz led me to believe there may be an elephant in the room. At that point in the posting the back channel chatter kicking up a notch or four.
That leaves me with three options, continue with MY feeling that transparency is not all it should be ....
Post what information or beliefs I have and thrash the site to the detriment of all - lets break some more china getting that moose out of here or.....
Or make the fllowingreccomendation - long winded but more gentle me thinks.............
Here goes - Ill try to keep it short: The Bullwinkle ethics solution.
I think this site has come to the point where it is now a real player in Puna, being foremost in providing information and being referenced by many.
I think it time to also look at the ethics of blending those who have a finacial (real estate ) dog in the fight .... and the rest of us posters ... the folks who drive the site in my opinion, mingling - posting - in the same categories without distinction or disclaimers.
Recommendations: In a nutshell:.
1) delete the posts of these first two topics that turned on the spotlight. ... John may have had a bad day, we all deserve a do over, enough is enough. Not one of my most enjoyable or comfortable moments either by the way. Giving me much food for thought about my motivation.
2) start a new category ... Puna real estate - that being the elephant in the room... put all real estate adds in there. For sale for rent and services offered as well as there we were stories - good and bad. The newbies can go there if they have questions about real estate or hang with the rest of us in the farming, general topics or building - or even weather forums for some nit picking.
3) Beg Cynthia to moderate the real estate category, keeping a new real estate ethics post current. The time has come like most successful busy sites, for specialists in the field to do the moderation of highly technical or important subjects.
Real Estate not only an important as to immediate buying decisions in these post golden goose times. A house note to some to some a thirty year yoke - serious life long business, needs serious ethics considerations.
Transparency needed most on # 3 in my humble opinion.
As to my motivation:
This laymans ethics driving me to protect the newbie and naive, my disclosure. Wishing nothing but the best to
and its many top notch posters , indeed the place to go if you have something to say.....
As for good bye ... untill i can feel ethically comfortable providing factual information that drives the newbies with questions to this site I am going to back away, Ill be here but much less active
Giving credit where it is due ... the poster known primarily as Damon... first planted a seed for me on the boards.... postings about "sock puppets" having much power in hindsight.
This topic having been explored in the heat of passion and some serious debate in the last week I thought id offer my closing thoughts, good byes and and least in my opinion a solution.
First let me begin with a clarification..
I lumped and offended and carelessly denigrated a group of folks ... something like like "transplanted (fill in the subdivision here) real estate folks are the worst." Without thinking I slighted many AND ONE in particular, An agent ... who in reality had enough class to keep their mouth shut over personal doubts about this site - following a code of conduct. Even today The agent has not called for a pound of flesh due them - real class.
.... what tumbled on to the page completely different, and another dish of crow for the moose please......
Back to ethics:
My issue is this ... I feel as a poster doing my very best to provide open and honest information about the life we share here in Puna I was making a contribution to the whole.
In retrospect, I am coming to the belief that my work product and that of many others that have made this site was it is ... May in turn used for personal or business gain - My fundamental obligation to and belief in transparency being the elephant romping about in this case and my recent postings.
My belief in my opinion solidified as series of communications that occurred very early - like at message 2 and 3 on the first post, when Dmarie was in the cross hairs. The increase in buzz led me to believe there may be an elephant in the room. At that point in the posting the back channel chatter kicking up a notch or four.
That leaves me with three options, continue with MY feeling that transparency is not all it should be ....
Post what information or beliefs I have and thrash the site to the detriment of all - lets break some more china getting that moose out of here or.....
Or make the fllowingreccomendation - long winded but more gentle me thinks.............
Here goes - Ill try to keep it short: The Bullwinkle ethics solution.
I think this site has come to the point where it is now a real player in Puna, being foremost in providing information and being referenced by many.
I think it time to also look at the ethics of blending those who have a finacial (real estate ) dog in the fight .... and the rest of us posters ... the folks who drive the site in my opinion, mingling - posting - in the same categories without distinction or disclaimers.
Recommendations: In a nutshell:.
1) delete the posts of these first two topics that turned on the spotlight. ... John may have had a bad day, we all deserve a do over, enough is enough. Not one of my most enjoyable or comfortable moments either by the way. Giving me much food for thought about my motivation.
2) start a new category ... Puna real estate - that being the elephant in the room... put all real estate adds in there. For sale for rent and services offered as well as there we were stories - good and bad. The newbies can go there if they have questions about real estate or hang with the rest of us in the farming, general topics or building - or even weather forums for some nit picking.
3) Beg Cynthia to moderate the real estate category, keeping a new real estate ethics post current. The time has come like most successful busy sites, for specialists in the field to do the moderation of highly technical or important subjects.
Real Estate not only an important as to immediate buying decisions in these post golden goose times. A house note to some to some a thirty year yoke - serious life long business, needs serious ethics considerations.
Transparency needed most on # 3 in my humble opinion.
As to my motivation:
This laymans ethics driving me to protect the newbie and naive, my disclosure. Wishing nothing but the best to
and its many top notch posters , indeed the place to go if you have something to say.....
As for good bye ... untill i can feel ethically comfortable providing factual information that drives the newbies with questions to this site I am going to back away, Ill be here but much less active
Giving credit where it is due ... the poster known primarily as Damon... first planted a seed for me on the boards.... postings about "sock puppets" having much power in hindsight.