12-08-2009, 07:11 PM
As fairly new transplants to the Island, we had the same question earlier this year. What should we bring vs. what should we buy new in Hawaii. At the time, our concern was the higher cost of items over here. Now that we're here, we realize that most everything is more expensive, but you sorta get used to that. The big issue is availability and diversity of products. You're going to have fewer choices to pick from and invariably somthing that you need is going to be out of stock until the next container comes in (which could be next Tuesday or next month...). So I'd suggest you figure out what you really need (things you know you will buy in any event), prioritize the list and then start buying things and packing them into the container until you run out of space and/or money. Conversely, look at all the stuff you've accumulated and decide what you really need and leave the rest behind. Almost to a person, the other transplants we've met have all said "I brought too much stuff..." I, for example, took early retirement from a megacorp to move here. What made me think I needed to bring 4 suits and 6 wool sweaters??? Might be interesting to hear what other folks shipped - but wished they hadn't...