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What you shipped over and wish you hadn't
Don't pack anything pressboard.

I wish I had brought more furniture. I thought I could just shop there. Not alot of options for a reasonable price here.

If you are packing and space is an issue don't buy anything you can get at Walmart or Ross.

There seems to be more things that I didn't bring than did. If you are packing a container just remember to pack in every available space. In dressers, cabinets, nightstands, anywhere there is a hole fill it.

My husband wished he had lined the bottom of the container with wood. Prices/availability has come down though.

I brought to many business type clothing/shoes. Mostly everyone dresses casual here.

If you are moving into a new house I would order online at Home depot or Sears a new fridge. It takes two weeks for them to bring them from Honolulu (which means eating out a lot). I would not bring a bbq. I would pick one up here. They are reasonably priced. Would not get a fancy one. Cheeper to replace.

Messages In This Thread
RE: What you shipped over and wish you hadn't - by missydog1 - 12-09-2009, 06:20 AM
RE: What you shipped over and wish you hadn't - by jade - 12-09-2009, 02:18 PM

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