12-10-2009, 03:11 PM
quote:That is NOT what Resolution 237 is about.
Originally posted by rasman
I don't think any of you really read my post. I specifically said that this resolution is not an attempt to debate the safety of vaccines as much as it is an attempt to safeguard our basic rights over our bodies.
First it is based solely and only on the provisions of HRS 302-1154 through 1163. That section pertains to Required Inoculations of Children to Attend Public School.
Currently, children attending public school are supposed to have certain inoculations before they are allowed to attend. However, the law allows an exemption for those who object on religious and philosophical grounds, or exempt by a doctors order. That's what the law currently is and there is ABSOLUTELY nothing anywhere that anyone is going to change it.
There is a section (one small section out of the entire quoted range) that essentially says if an emergency pandemic declaration is issued by the Dept of Health, and the risk of spread is greater than the ability to timely inoculate these school children aginst that specifc threat, schools will only be allowed to accept student into the facility who have been inoculated against that threat or until the threat has passed. During that emergency declaration, no exemptions to that specific inoculation will be allowed for the safety and health of all student and faculty. So for a specific fast spreading and highly contagious outbreak, instead of closing the schools, they will keep them open and admit student who have been inoculated against that specific threat. If you are unable to get inoculated or don't want to have your child innoculated based on your beliefs, the child will not be allowed into the school until innoculated or the threat has passed, to preserve the health and safety of those children in the school.
So I ask, where in this freaking stupid resolution is government declaring martial law, forcing people to get inoculated against their will, or doing anything that is against their body?
I can go on about the other ridicules items they mentioned, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how did school inoculations for admittance turn into government Gestapo tactics. I guess that's just what to expect from those idiots on the Council!
Rasman, I'm not directing this against you, The Council wrote it to instil fear in the citizens. All of their whereas's is a bunch of smoke and mirrors. I guess they thought people would not check the actual references they mentioned and discover it's a bunch of disjointed nothing.