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My letter to the editor re: Resolution 237-09
But wait if you are vaccinated you wont get sick right? so you would quarantine non vaccinated people for what reason a again?

You only quarantine sick people, once the sick get better they do not need to vaccinated because they already have been sick. What logic am i missing? why would the community care if i have been vaccinated or not? they can get the free poison injection, good for them,

look just get your shot and brag how it was cool and your not gonna get sick. I wont, and they wont force me, and i would not put it past the state or the federal government to try something like that. you know your national healthcare will require it, the one thats integrated with the tax laws.... but ohh wait OFF topic again... back to puna.....

how bout that malama market? milk is always cheap!

Originally posted by DickWilson

You have the right to refuse vaccination. The community has the right to quarantine you for the safety of the community. Individual rights are not absolute, " the old shouting fire in a theater, example", you have the right to free speech, and to refuse vaccination, the community has the right to protect itself from the consequences of your actions.

dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"


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RE: My letter to the editor re: Resolution 237-09 - by 808blogger - 12-11-2009, 07:04 AM

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