12-11-2009, 09:38 AM
No one is saying that any mandate has been made, at least I'm not.
What I am saying is that the measures to do so and to forcibly enforce such measures has been well planned for and contemplated by our government. Shouldn't "we the people" be planning and contemplating our response to such an event? It just seems like common sense to protect ourselves for the road ahead.
www.naccho.org/.../infrastructure/PHLaw/upload/Microsoft-Word-FINAL-Public-Health-Emergency-Law-FAQ.pdf - 2009-09-24
or go to naccho.org and type in search: public health emergency FAQ
What I am saying is that the measures to do so and to forcibly enforce such measures has been well planned for and contemplated by our government. Shouldn't "we the people" be planning and contemplating our response to such an event? It just seems like common sense to protect ourselves for the road ahead.
www.naccho.org/.../infrastructure/PHLaw/upload/Microsoft-Word-FINAL-Public-Health-Emergency-Law-FAQ.pdf - 2009-09-24
or go to naccho.org and type in search: public health emergency FAQ