12-11-2009, 05:48 PM
I don't think one needs to be a conspiracy theorist in order to question government mandates or "strong recommendations." It is our health and our future health that will be affected by any substances we inject into our bodies because "they" told us to. I am old enough to remember thalidomide and its ghastly effects on newborns. I was strongly urged by my doctor to take HRTs (Hormone Replacement Therapy) even though I had no symptoms, but as a preventative "just in case" I might have bone loss later on (and later on it turned out they caused cancer - oops). These are examples of course of doctors and pharmaceutical companies whose advice or products harmed people. Not the government. But mass vaccinations require massive amounts of pharmaceuticals, purchased from these same "oops-sorry" prone, profit-driven companies. And I for one applaud and admire our County Council for questioning the safety of the government's mass-produced vaccine. It doesn't state unequivocally that the vaccine is harmful. Rather, it questions whether it has been adequately tested, whether it contains harmful substances, etc. These are questions that need to be asked in a public forum, better yet by a governmental body. We need more watch dogs and questioners, not rubber stampers. The Council's Resolution 237-09 is taking an all too rare stance against a rush to vaccinate.