12-12-2009, 03:07 PM
quote:It has come a loooong way.
Originally posted by David M
Unless the manufacturing has changed I sure wouldn't expect long life from all that chipboard.
You can still buy the typical single/double wide units commonly though of as mobile homes. You can also get them in 4 - 8 units resembling mini mansions in just about any style. They come with attached garages, all wood kitchens, fancy tile floors and gold plated bathrooms if you want. HUD sets specific standards for each region as far as the physical structure is concern, and minimum standards for interiors, but what you want and what material, well the sky’s the limit.
For Hawaii, the cost of building a unit to HUDS Hawaii standards, shipping and all the other requirements and cost, probably makes it on par with a stick built. The only real savings is time.