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why does prince charles REALLY matter in PUNA
correct on enron, i was trying to keep it simple, and yes, net metering with a backwards meter is good, but the RATE should be dynamic like a stock market based on supply and demand of energy at that time. Why does energy cost the same at night and the day? why does it cost the same from even hour to hour? There is no reason for it other than to favor the producer and not the consumer, and to make sure the producer consumer order stays the same. The entire system is rigged for the giant energy producer. I agree with the elimination of many federal rules, but in all honesty, the state should ignore them and tell the feds to kiss off but the dont, there is massive outside interest in HECO and its cartel buddies. Its beyond even us as a few people getting the attention of some reps, the entire state is held in check by this, the government is pretty much powerless or well maybe i should say gutless to eliminate all the stupid barriers they create to a free and productive economy.

There were 2 reasons for my very initial post, and ONE of them was to bring out this conversation, granted nothing is going to change, having lots off the grid homes in puna is great but, its also kind of stupid and does not allow for any exchange of the energy. I wish people would see past the view of off the grid as far as energy goes, Now WATER thats a different story, much different than energy.

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RE: why does prince charles REALLY matter in PUNA - by 808blogger - 12-21-2009, 11:42 AM

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