01-10-2010, 02:58 PM
quote:Nicely put. This forum is comprised almost entirely of transplants (including me) and the results you get reflect that. If someone doesn't like what you have to say, you get personally attacked, slammed for your grammar and punctuation or ridiculed for your position on the topic of the day.
Originally posted by islandlvng
What's sad is the fact that I would've hoped for responses to my question like The sunrise over MaunaKea, The sunsets in Kona. Hearing whale songs underwater at Hapuna. Hiking waipio for days. Sometimes when you live in a place for a long time you forget these kinds of things or become immune. Or how about the great fresh produce from the farmers market? Instead, people get offended? Glen was the only one to make an effort. I was immediately told I had offended someone. Period. It could've been a productive way to show me others point of views for living here and instead it was a slam show on my grammer. C'mon. Let's get petty shall we? Sorry I don't spend enough time on the keyboard for you folks to understand this. Or that my opening question was in some way jibberish. It sure got enough responses quickly though. Any other faults to point out while we're at it? Very amusing.
There seems to be less than 5% real locals on this forum. Another 20%+ don't even live here yet vocally post away on issues even though they will not be voting and have no real impact on Puna's future. Most real locals are doing what you describe - being at the beach, hiking, being outside.