01-11-2010, 05:00 AM
There are many different ways to help with food harvesting and processing here. There are many informal groups that co-op, and there are groups that come together for worthy causes to glean, and there is also many WOOFer opportunities on island. We have many people that stop by & ask if they can pick from our trees, and I am sure others have too.
Coordination of any effort is the main thing with the co-op type thing... Without a defined 'harvest season' and with weather that can turn on a dime, it is hard to coordinate a harvest time with a group of loosely coordinated people (this from the years we have been doing it with the sweet potatoes... There are many times when the fruit is ready, the people are scheduled & the rains are too heavy to work in the fields...when everything is ready again, the people may not be available)
Many people also share their harvest here by bringing the extras to most any event here, and/or leave the fruit in a basket or whatever to share with neighbors...
Coordination of any effort is the main thing with the co-op type thing... Without a defined 'harvest season' and with weather that can turn on a dime, it is hard to coordinate a harvest time with a group of loosely coordinated people (this from the years we have been doing it with the sweet potatoes... There are many times when the fruit is ready, the people are scheduled & the rains are too heavy to work in the fields...when everything is ready again, the people may not be available)
Many people also share their harvest here by bringing the extras to most any event here, and/or leave the fruit in a basket or whatever to share with neighbors...