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They're baaaaaaaaaack!
How ones mind can draw a parallel karma between a person who has willing beaten upon a defenseless woman who later gets his pot taken from him from a green harvest all the way to purposely killing people who drink and drive is beyond reason. Short of one who has a brain filled with holes from smoking ICE or some other serious brain damage. Talk about being whacked out mentally. Dude you take the cake.

Actually there was another sociopath here a couple years back who was wanting to kill people for growing GMO or something to that effect. How is such mental instability spawned? I mean why aren't these people locked up on a nut farm? Hopefully they are locked up and simply using their computer privileges.
- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.
It's on you if you can't see the parallel Karma.

And that's the sad part.

One went over this morning at 5:40 AM..

had 2 red lights on the belly

Early bird tourists???

At least there are no kids at the schools yet, so maybe that is why so early!

ADDED: Just notice todays Trib has a very little blurb about the DEA helicopter flights...along with the DEA PHONE # for "Noise Disturbance"

@nd ADD:
7:50 - 2 birds returning from HPP & Lower & one birdy from HA area....hmmmm odd that 3 tourist birds are that close... but they are staying away from the school corridor on the return! - 8:10 - last bird (the big one that flew low & rattle everything earlier) is heading back... going closer to the school corridor, but at least flying higher....
terrorists flying over mt. view very low white heli with red lights for about two hours, these terrorists need to stop
Even if cannabis is legalized for the state, distribution will stay a felony for a long time. Also, NED works for DEA and DEA operates on federal fiscal year funds. FY13 ends Sep. 30. They are just spending their use-or-lose year end funding, get some eradication done, makes for a good year end report and results in good bonuses. With the state of the federal budget in paralysis, it will all go quiet again in October.

"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Thanks again Ted for some much needed perspective.
Nothing left to do but
I did talk to Lonni from the NEA (Sorry, my bad, the post above has DEA)

She is trying to follow up on the of the calls she got this morning....It sounds like she was not expecting to get swamped with calls first thing in the morning...She will try to get the supervisors to call back...but none of them were in the office this morning!

Doesn't matter to me if the use up the money or not... but even their complaint call taker thought that 5:40 AM was not right... and those guys were low flying...

any time deaf dog is awoken by a helicopter, it is not the noise but the vibration...and that does not happen with "normal" altitude flying (heck...that is so common here I don't even is the low stuff that shakes you that I have an issue with...

Based on all of the safety stuff...high altitude is that is how they should be flying... gives them a little more time to figure out "what to do" if a rare, but not unforseen, incident should happen...

This year alone our state has had 2 helicopter accidents that should not have happened, one was a mechanical repair error that went by both the mechanic & the inspector ...and the other.... well what excuse is there for a bonehead pilot flying with low fuel? Luckily for everyone, in both there were no major injuries (well, except for both birdies & one car) & the pilots had space to crash with altitude, the other with a large vacant mowed field....

My hope is that they may always have that space, & do hope the pilots get smart, realize that in residential & wooded areas there are not large mowed fields & give themselves the altitude to plan...

BTW The US ave for helicopter accidents is over 7 times airplanes.... 7.5 - 9/100,000 hours of flying.....think of the number of hours they are working here...we have been very fortunate that there haven't been more in this state...

More hours up...will it increase the odds or not??? early morning low altitude flights...what does that do to the odds.... OK this is speculation.,.. but it still is very rude to awaken a community with low helicopter flyovers... something that the US did to un nerve some populatons...nt sure why here...
I agree Carey its absurd!
... have you read State of Fear, by Michael Crichton? I recommend it - not helicopter related, but addresses some of the mysteries you illustrated in the last sentence of your post.
Where's a corpus delecti? No loss, harm, damage or injury, no crime. If they harm people through flying over your house/harassment, sue them. The Drug War Is A Scam Marc Stevens

ok I'll bite - or at least nibble

breach of the peace :

in common law widely applied

This is about being intrusive on my quiet afternoon - the right to have a nap and not be disturbed by intrusive machinery looking for a crime I am not part of nor do they have a reasonable cause to breach said peace over my bedroom.

breach of the peace n. any act which disturbs the public or even one person. It can include almost any criminal act causing fear or attempting intimidation, such as displaying a pistol or shouting inappropriately. (See: breach)

As it may apply to me:

I live in a rural area of Hawaii - I have actively sought out my peace. helicopters at 400 feet are a break of my peace.

as far as suing - bang my head on the wall to spend several hundred thousand dollars to bring suit in a system that favors the home team? - I'll pass, The feds love nothing better than to engage ... they get paid and promoted for it, full retirement as well - a giant tar baby


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