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A Question:
They are, it is not a question of smarts--it's just a question of who they are actually working for. Clearly, that isn't you and me.
earlier in this thread I wrote:

My unemployment prediction

year 1: 8.5% (end of 2009)
year 2: 10.5%
year 3: 12%
year 4: 18%
year 5: 25%

esnap do you think people will leave their areas and go to places where there is work? mainly I was thinking about alaska. the forcast is looking up with the gas line and construction is up on military bases. new stores are planned but target did cancel their new store. will the bailout $ create new jobs?
i guess puna is hit hard or are the big places such as home depot laying off? i see where the kona side is slowly losing some businesses. on oahu road construction is up, some condo building are still going up but the future of investors looks bad.
Puna as well is getting hard hit by the relentless effort to encourage strip malls and development growth in the residential sector and in so doing discourage the one thing the area really has going for it--agriculture. This is shortsighted in the extreme but I wonder how long it will be before those crappy houses are bulldozed to grow vegetables. . .
"mainly I was thinking about alaska"

Not the read I have on it, rusty h.

Conoco cut 80 executive level jobs yesterday and today FedEx announced it was cutting 68 pilots and senior staff from the Anchorage operation. At the gym I overheard a manager at the local store say Best Buy is within weeks or months of closing down entirely (ironically, not because the Anchorage store is losing money --it is not-- but because the chain nation wide is going under).

The economy may not be as tanked here as it is elsewhere, but neither does it seem to me like there is expansion and job creation happening in Alaska.

Edit to add this "PS" 24 hours later: Today's Anchorage Daily News paper says Gottschalks is in bankruptcy and closing down as well. Since Gottschalks anchors one end of the biggest mall in Alaska and Best Buy anchors the other end of this same mall, if both shut down then the two largest stores in the Dimond Center will be empty.

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A pleasant slideshow:

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Astonishing skill! This archer is a real-life Legolas and then some!

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People will flow like water to fill what ever vacuum an economy creates.
Think Grapes of Wrath.

Every thing the current administration does is antithetical to the free market.
Hungry people will do what ever it takes to feed their families.

What our nation will know soon enough, is that there is lots of change but little hope.

The stock market trades on hope.

I remember the late 70s and the despair under Jimmy Carter. people were flocking to Houston. Families from Ohio and Michigan were actually sleeping under overpasses and bridges because there was not enough housing.

Two of my business sell to the oil industry and that is contracting with the drop in oil demand. mass lay offs are happening.
I still have sales but that is because I keep my prices very low and under cut the market by 25-50%.

My wife and I have another business which is a vacuum & sewing shop . Our sales there are very strong as folks are getting things repaired instead of buying new. Also folks are buying vacuums as they are firing their maids.

This may sound weird coming from an agnostic, but God help us all.

Why do I write in such a disjointed way? I guess I should have finished high school.

Point #2 and #4 would occur if someone flipped a switch and all government were to suddenly disappear.

I've been an anarchist ever since I was a kid; even before I knew there was a word to describe what it was. I'm classified as a naive anarchist; one who believes that people can peacefully exist without crime, greed, corruption, cops, courts, politicians, lawyers, or the compulsion of some to dominate others; but it's a foregone conclusion that we will not see it in today's world. I'm neutral on religion as well as evolution, and although I will not live in such a world this time around, I'd like to believe that one day we will stop acting like monkeys, and live lives without the above-mentioned entities who are the major contributors to this retardation of progress.
Originally posted by james weatherford

According to ...
(especially note #1 and #3)

1. a state of society without government or law.
2. political and social disorder due to the absence of governmental control.
3. a theory that regards the absence of all direct or coercive government as a political ideal and that proposes the cooperative and voluntary association of individuals and groups as the principal mode of organized society.
4. confusion; chaos; disorder: Intellectual and moral anarchy followed his loss of faith.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park


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