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Honk if you don't like the Shores speed bumps
Change we can believe in?
Sorry off speed bump topic but an old story related to Rusty's

How about stop signs on the streets that are now getting more traffic?

Hopefully drivers would prefer to slow down on Papio St. and go over benign flat top speed bumps than have to stop every block on alternative routes.

PS I ride my bike over these speed bumps 3 times a week on my way back from yoga. They do effectively slow down speeding vehicles and are easy to pedal a bicycle over.

The situation in the HSCA is pretty bad. Both sides of the of the old conflict need to remove themselves from the political scene. As for the speedbumps, nothing will change with this board. The overwhelming philosophy is that of control, and hence it is doomed to fail.
[quote]Originally posted by DanielP

Have the candidates voiced their positions on removing the speed bumps?

[/[Sad]quote] Tonight, November 10th the new BOD acted badly as has become their custom from the get-go and voted to disqualified 5 out of the 7 board candidates on "illegable signatures". This was done even with actual signature cards on file with the office! Very bad form BOD. If you can't win the election fairly, cheat, eliminate the competition, start up rumors and make up lies. This has worked well so far it would seem for the new BOD. Apparently the new BOD has decided that they are all powerful and can make any rule changes or interpretations to bylaws they want and plainly have little to no interest in the opinion of the homeowners or the general community, even on speed bumps.

Friends, we have elected what can only be described as a group of special interest personal goal buddies. Do we really need a homeowner's association at all? Are we growing ever more tired of this constant feuding and infighting? Perhaps it is midnight and the ball is over for the association. It seems the association has played itself out and needs to go away, get out of our personal lives and become just a water district! What do you think, is it time to move on without a homeowner's association?

Clear thinking. Eliminating the home owners association is a good way to go. This is to small a community for so much drama.
Occupy Papio!
I am a resident of HSCA and run along Papio street several times a week for the past several years. I have noticed that many of the cars that pass me are going way too fast for a residential street. So while I understand that speed humps/bumps can be annoying, I also understand that the only ones to blame here are the drivers who choose to not obey the speed limit. Isn't it always the case in life that because of the recklessness of a few the majority have to suffer the consequences?
No point in arguing about the speed bumps now, they are a symptom of a much greater problem. The board has got to go.
Originally posted by afwjam

No point in arguing about the speed bumps now, they are a symptom of a much greater problem. The board has got to go.


Well said afwjam. Last night was a very sad night for the MEMBERSHIP of Hawaiian Shores Community Association.

As Greg has said before, your voice as a member is heard in the candidates you elect to the Board. That right was removed from the members last night. The Board will decide who is SUITABLE to run for the Board.

Sad that 5 members of the community, not involved in the old conflict and willing to volunteer to serve their community were denied the right to do that.

Sad that the members right to choose has been reduced by 50%.

Sad, sad, sad ...

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction." - Albert Einstein

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