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Hpp residents need to band together with a lawyer and come up with a game plan to remove all the anti hpp people that are supposed to be working for the lot owners of hpp.
Thats the only way to fix this problem that has gone on to long.we are going to have a problem finding responsible replacements, as most decent people in hpp that have tried
Have allready been burned by the negative response of the hppoa people in charge.

Who is going to start that movement? I will vote for them.

Dan D

The last thing we need is bloodsucking lawyers.
It’s not the board that’s the problem, it is us. You really need to get involved. Join a committee, go to meetings, talk to your neighbors, write letters, etc.
Discussing it here is just getting started.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
I will try to do a better job TomK. I am rarely here and rarely post and had so much to say. PaulW, trust me, I despise attorneys for the most part because they are all about billable hours not the outcome. Why else would the lawsuit still be going on after 4 years and not much has been done. Pathetic. This will get your craw. Crelly went to an attorney to prove his legitimacy as a candidate. And HPP paid for it. A board member supposedly went with him. Maybe we should all try that huh? He (the board pres.) turns in his candidate form at the very last minute with out any contact information. Time was up when the N.C. received it so he was disqualified, just like any one else would be. This just is so upsetting to the majority board at the time, so they place him on the ballot with the GM's blessing. As all us sane people know, the board has absolutely nothing to do with elections (GM too) It is a conflict of interest plus they negated the N.C. and I guess now they will hand pick the board candidates. Won't we all benefit from that? I'm choking.What does this tell you folks? Why the nonstop power grab and all the financial secrecy? And what does this say about the people on the board who are suppose to represent us all? They have their own agenda and are so delusional that they actually think they are smarter than us and or they are in on the scam. One used to constantly say she was worried about lawsuits so I guess she decided to dive into the corruption instead of stand against it.There is far to much apathy in HPP and that is why they control everything. A few stand up and fight now and then but they are squashed down fast. Never to resurface again. I'm looking at property else where again.... begrudgingly and really dragging my feet. But since I spend over 1/2 my time elsewhere maybe it's a sign.Nothing has changed for the good in 4 years.
"It’s not the board that’s the problem, it is us. "
yep! dan d!

I'm old enough to remember when people participated for the good of something other than themselves. It was a great feeling to be part of something positive.
It seems like , today, the vast majority of us are tranquilized......more content to "watch" and complain than actually exert personal energy towards our community.
Hell, some here won't even clean the easement fronting their own property
"NOT my job.....I PAY good money for that someone else person to do that!

another part of your comments....
"as most decent people in hpp that have tried
Have allready been burned by the negative response of the hppoa people in charge."

Yes, this is also true. It is a no win battle without 5 people on the board willing to uphold our by-laws. Then add to that a complacent group of owners who will not even take the time to read the bylaws much less exert the energy in helping board members uphold them.
Then, there's the knucklehead group that can't even see the benefit in running a non profit Corp. within the laws that frame it and sometimes they are biggest problem.
Yep! What you say is all true Reni. It is so sad to see when one knows this could be such a different place but the way people view themselves has changed. Used to be anything to make the community better was a good thing and worth getting a little dirty. Now majority of people have no clue how to look beyond themselves. the dumbing down of Americans has been a success.
I will try again at the next meeting. The last time i went there the board told me they had called the cops on me because i was trying to take a picture of the board member that had screamed and threatened me.
Im willing to try again.

Dan D

Dan D, why did you quote yourself?

Anyway, good for you trying again!
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Eight fingers, have you tried?
I have gone to meetings for decades. (since before a lot of residents here were born, ) and the votes, even unanimous, were/are ignored by the BOD. (s)
I have joined Committees, worked hard with other members to make a positive difference, and recommendations by them have been ignored by the BOD (s) before they disband the pesky Membership Committees.
I have written letters to the BOD (s) GM (s) Editor, AG, Mayor (s) all for for nothing!

I have been shoved, followed, threatened, lied to and about, and stalked by BOD Members, GM’s and Office staff, and their various supporters through several changes of Boards and Management because I ask for accountability, honesty, transparency and a grain of common sense.
Nothing ever changes for the better here..

Professional Management is the only hope for this place in my opinion, There will never be a BOD who represents the Residents, because they don’t want to! They just want to take our $ and maintain their power as long as possible. Any honest person on the BOD gets squashed, and replaced by Appointment (not our votes) , as is happening again now to the only two By Law abiding, Resident supportive Board Members, Leslie and Mayelyn.

We need 5 BOD Members who follow the ByLaws, and that has never happened here. 5 people who believe that the Association is the extension of the will of the Residents. That has never happened here. We need 5 BOD Members who know their FIRST Duty is to Maintain the roads, including striping, signage, materials, and not just scrape off the hard pack and roll it back down. We need 5 people who follow the laws and thus have no need to spend all our $ on Lawyers.

We have asked, demanded, unanimously voted for an Audit. We have voiced no confidence in the GM. We have disqualified people from the BOD, yet they remain. Not one thing the Membership has voted for has been done, but the bills keep coming and getting bigger and bigger.

I’m too old to carry on this fruitless fight any more. I’m just lucky I lived here when Road Maintenance was 50$ and the roads were maintained. I was proud to live here then. I am not now. Every time I go to Nanawale, Ainaloa, Leilani, I see real Community Centers with open gates, picnic tables, lights, playgrounds, smiling people visiting with neighbors and friends. Nobody gets in our Community Center except for a fee, even Residents. It sucks. It’s embarrassing. I think it’s time to get the heck out of HPP, but even that helps the crooks that think they have the right to ignore our votes, because they get a transfer fee for every lot sold here. I hate to keep filling their (not our) coffers. The $ we pay sure isn’t going into road maintenance.
Yes, I do go to the meetings. While not perfect, the demeanor has improved over the last year.
Puna: Our roosters crow first

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