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TMT Work to Resume Says Ige!
These are the same people who have basically never won a case but keep filing lawsuits, right? The rule of law requires that they be given their day in court. That says nothing about whether they have anything legitimate to say or whether the case has real merit. In this case the BLNR should have sat through the contested case hearing, merit-less though it was like all the others. There is no reason to believe that the permits won't be granted again. This latest ruling is based on a technicality, the failure to sit through a contested case hearing that would almost certainly have not borne fruit for the protesters. Their overall strategy might still bear fruit in that they might succeed in so fouling the creative environment and business climate that nobody will try to do anything worthwhile in Hawaii. Given the pathetic performance of the state I wouldn't blame the TMT folks if they quit out of sheer frustration. Frankly it would serve us right. It goes without saying what a disaster that would be for everyone outside a core group of malcontents.
Originally posted by kalakoa
Note that nobody has mentioned the fact that TMT management already left the island several months ago when it became clear that groundbreaking would not be happening any time soon

This is a totally false statement. The only person that has semi-relocated was Sandra Dawson. She moved back to California to be closer to her family, but commutes back to the Big Island once a month. The TMT Corp. still has five personnel on-island, one of which was recently hired.
basically never won a case but keep filing lawsuits, right?

The "win" does not need to be declared by the Court; even a failed lawsuit can achieve the desired outcome.

the failure to sit through a contested case hearing

Only meaningful if contested-case standing is granted to the protestors; if they do not gain this standing, then the failure to have that hearing becomes somewhat of a technicality.

Sandra Dawson. She moved back to California to be closer to her family

Pretty sure "moved back to California" constitutes "leaving the island". Maybe she quit, maybe she's just telecommuting, all I said was that some management had left the island, which fact has not been mentioned by the media, possibly because it makes the project look more of a failure than it already is.
" Pretty sure "moved back to California" constitutes "leaving the island". Maybe she quit, maybe she's just telecommuting, all I said was that some management had left the island, which fact has not been mentioned by the media, possibly because it makes the project look more of a failure than it already is."

Wondering why these big projects like the ferry or TMT are failing in Hawaii?

Wonder why they wanted to skip the contested case hearing?

Why can leaking heavy machine equipment be allowed to camp on maunakea without permits?

Jmo here, our state may want a bunch of muzzled taxpayers? Studies were probably done several years back regarding the Hawaiian opposition for this TMT project. Much like the states way of continued geothermal development here in Puna, they may be trying to take the good peoples rights away from them to implement their projects?. Maybe it's Easier to illigally rubber stamp the bigger projects, or even change a few laws that wouldn't apply to the oppressor's?

Maybe Mr. Wallace Ishibashi and Mr. Billy Kenoi, could kindly make sure that the TMT 's equipment comes down the mauna as to not disturb the future energy, viewing, or prayer practices of the good Hawaiian people?

Wonder why they wanted to skip the contested case hearing?

Answered above by MarkP, TomK, etc

kindly make sure that the TMT 's equipment comes down the mauna as to not disturb the future energy, viewing, or prayer practices of the good Hawaiian people?

So you do acknowledge that the protests have nothing to do with the past* energy, viewing, or prayer practices of the good Hawaiian people?

* most of which have been extracted from thin air near the summit of Mauna Kea with historically inaccurate statements by present day protesters
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Originally posted by gypsy69

Why can leaking heavy machine equipment be allowed to camp on maunakea without permits?

Maybe Mr. Wallace Ishibashi and Mr. Billy Kenoi, could kindly make sure that the TMT 's equipment comes down the mauna as to not disturb the future energy, viewing, or prayer practices of the good Hawaiian people?

You have not been up the mountain lately have you Gipsea? Brand new shiny equipment, not some broken down Puna rot war surplus POS.

I understand your heart bleeds for the "Good Hawaiian People" why don't you put your money where your mouth is and leave the aina for the kanakas?
Originally posted by kalakoa
Pretty sure "moved back to California" constitutes "leaving the island". Maybe she quit, maybe she's just telecommuting, all I said was that some management had left the island, which fact has not been mentioned by the media, possibly because it makes the project look more of a failure than it already is.

Kalakoa, I'm going to re-post and highlight the key points what wrote above since you're having reading comprehension issues.

"This is a totally false statement. The only person that has semi-relocated was Sandra Dawson. She moved back to California to be closer to her family, but commutes back to the Big Island once a month. The TMT Corp. still has five personnel on-island, one of which was recently hired."
The permit had to be pulled on legal grounds and the legal grounds were BLNR didn't have a final hearing before approving the permit. The court has told BLNR they need to hold the hearing before they approve another permit.

Today's news was the protesters demanding all the equipment from the site be pulled off. The later news is the AG has instructed BLNR they are allowed to keep the equipment in place.

In other news, over 50% of the reported planets around other star systems have been found to be aberrations in Kepler or misinterpretations of the data. Kepler is a space based optical telescope.
Over half of the giant Kepler planets may not be planets after all

"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
you're having reading comprehension issues.

I think I still understand geography. Even checked a map. California is not a Hawaiian island, and at least one TMT staffer is "phoning it in". This suggests that nothing substantive will be happening for quite some time.

There is no reason to believe that the permits won't be granted again.

There is even less reason to believe that any new permits won't be appealed.

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