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Fight for Non-GMO Foods and Proper GMO Labeling
Whoever keeps bringing up that we have always had GMO's since the beginning of farming, clearly does not understand and has not researched what GMO's are and yet is defending them as harmless to people and the environment.

GMO's are almost 2 what 3 decades old. In the past, farmers developed, for instance, different varieties of apples by crossing seeds OF THE SAME SPECIES. There are 1000's of varieties of apples, the Peruvians grew hundreds of varieties of potatoes, their staple crop. This is a great agricultural system because some varieties may be more resistant to one thing and others more resistant to the next pest. If some were effected others survived. They had redundancy (which I think is a really good thing).
Monocrop planting is probably the reason for GMO's. The old wisdom of varieties fell by the wayside because of huge corporate farms.

GMO's use molecules from DIFFERENT species which are combined into one molecule to create a new set of genes and in some instances including genes allowing the crop to be more “roundup ready”, thereby making roundup ready plants, which do not use LESS roundup but are engineered to be able to take more. This produced a disaster in Argentina where roundup ready soybeans were planted for several years and eventually produced super weeds that roundup could not kill and the crop production had to be halted.

No one knows what GMOs will do to certain protein/gene combinations in the human body. When the human genome was “finished” scientists were fairly shocked that there were many more proteins identified than combined up with genes. The neat theory of one protein to one gene was not so neat anymore. They talked about many genes that were inactive and did not know what proteins triggered them to be active. Some are triggered in some illnesses and allergies, and there was concern about GMO's and the new proteins that may trigger now inactive genes from GMO foods. Any more studies you can point to? Don't they use viruses and bacteria to enable the DNA in GMO foods?

The crap about Hawaiian papaya farmers making good after GMO papaya, is exactly crap. Ringspot got replaced by black spot. A few people I know got out of farming papaya because it did not make any money. GMO's would not sell to Japan or lots of other places.

Farmers who go with GMO have to buy new GMO seed each year. They cannot develop the best variety seed for their crops, thereby stopping an intelligent way of farming. If their GMO seed pollutes a neighboring field, the people owning that field can be sued by Monsanto. Their once organic crop has been changed to GMO. They did not want it and are being sued for it. Monsanto provides corporate control of food sources. This is certainly not pono to me.

Monsanto as a company has caused damage. It used to make agent orange. It poisoned a whole town in, I think it was Alabama. Read accounts of how Monsanto threatened people in the EPA when the crooked testing results were submitted for their GMO's. under the Bush Administration.
Seriously, look into all this and you will be very shocked.

I am not an expert here, but as someone who is thoughtful and looks into things, I really believe this is a bad idea.
Originally posted by Shekelpal

Whoever keeps bringing up that we have always had GMO's since the beginning of farming, clearly does not understand and has not researched what GMO's are and yet is defending them as harmless to people and the environment.

GMO's are almost 2 what 3 decades old. In the past, farmers developed, for instance, different varieties of apples by crossing seeds OF THE SAME SPECIES. There are 1000's of varieties of apples, the Peruvians grew hundreds of varieties of potatoes, their staple crop. This is a great agricultural system because some varieties may be more resistant to one thing and others more resistant to the next pest. If some were effected others survived. They had redundancy (which I think is a really good thing).
Monocrop planting is probably the reason for GMO's. The old wisdom of varieties fell by the wayside because of huge corporate farms.

GMO's use molecules from DIFFERENT species which are combined into one molecule to create a new set of genes and in some instances including genes allowing the crop to be more “roundup ready”, thereby making roundup ready plants, which do not use LESS roundup but are engineered to be able to take more. This produced a disaster in Argentina where roundup ready soybeans were planted for several years and eventually produced super weeds that roundup could not kill and the crop production had to be halted.

No one knows what GMOs will do to certain protein/gene combinations in the human body. When the human genome was “finished” scientists were fairly shocked that there were many more proteins identified than combined up with genes. The neat theory of one protein to one gene was not so neat anymore. They talked about many genes that were inactive and did not know what proteins triggered them to be active. Some are triggered in some illnesses and allergies, and there was concern about GMO's and the new proteins that may trigger now inactive genes from GMO foods. Any more studies you can point to? Don't they use viruses and bacteria to enable the DNA in GMO foods?

The crap about Hawaiian papaya farmers making good after GMO papaya, is exactly crap. Ringspot got replaced by black spot. A few people I know got out of farming papaya because it did not make any money. GMO's would not sell to Japan or lots of other places.

Farmers who go with GMO have to buy new GMO seed each year. They cannot develop the best variety seed for their crops, thereby stopping an intelligent way of farming. If their GMO seed pollutes a neighboring field, the people owning that field can be sued by Monsanto. Their once organic crop has been changed to GMO. They did not want it and are being sued for it. Monsanto provides corporate control of food sources. This is certainly not pono to me.

Monsanto as a company has caused damage. It used to make agent orange. It poisoned a whole town in, I think it was Alabama. Read accounts of how Monsanto threatened people in the EPA when the crooked testing results were submitted for their GMO's. under the Bush Administration.
Seriously, look into all this and you will be very shocked.

I am not an expert here, but as someone who is thoughtful and looks into things, I really believe this is a bad idea.

Thank you Shekelpal - there is certainly a disconnect with those who stick their head in the sand as to when "GMO" started. It's refreshing to see your commentary. This isn't just a little shift from our human heritage of "crossing seeds OF THE SAME SPECIES", it's a major departure!! Please, can I order some tofu with with an embedded grasshopper gene - it may help me finally dunk, or to form an exo-skeleton! Yes, that is progress!!
My problem with any type of labeling coupled with government oversight is, like Kapohocat mentions, the government's track record with inefficiencies and corruption. I think our society has fallen into the trap of false sense of security which these programs encourage and we're learning the ability (disability) of not checking things out for ourselves. It will be the lobbyists for Monsanto who will write the laws for these labeling programs which their purchased politicians will put forward and vote on. So we'll spend millions on a government bureaucracy, place road blocks in front of small family owned farms (because Monsanto's lobbyists will write the law in such a way that this will just become a hurdle to keep the small guy out of the market) and not really achieve anything much because no one reads the labels. If the public actually cared about their health and read labels, there wouldn't be much sales of processed foods (at least in my opinion).

Like punafish said, a pro-active marketing program by those wishing to sell non-GMO products to those that are concerned with be more efficient money wise, keep .gov out of our food decisions, and be more effective.

Labeling does not guarantee anything that's in the box (how are you going to verify what's in the box is what's on the label?) so the only full proof way of knowing what's going in your body is growing your own or knowing your farmer. If that's too much trouble or inconvenient then health isn't on the top of your list and the whole question is a non issue.

"Government is good at one thing: it knows how to break your legs, hand you a crutch, and say, 'See, if it weren’t for the government, you wouldn’t be able to walk." - Harry Browne
Originally posted by liskir

"When they start adding Napalm or the equivalent to our food"
They already have. The next Roundup is Agent Orange 2,4-D pesticide, brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Monsanto and Dow corp. with the blessing of the EPA, our govt. at its best.
Oh good grief. 2,4-D has been around continously and is already the third most widely used herbicide in the country. It may be a carcinogen in the long term - the evidence is still ambiguous - but the problems from Agent Orange were due to contamination with dioxin, which is extremely toxic and a bioaccumulator, as a result of incorrect synthesis of the other herbicide component, 2,4,5-T.

This is why it's hard to take anything you say seriously.
VERY well stated, Shekelpal. Excellent brief summary. Dwedeking, now YOURS is an argument that I can respect and actually put some real brain energy into pondering. Smile That's more like it.

Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
GMO is a trojan horse.

What if you could provide population control through inexpensive delicious corn chips. This is natual selection coming back around. Beware, eat poi.

"The crap about Hawaiian papaya farmers making good after GMO papaya, is exactly crap. Ringspot got replaced by black spot. A few people I know got out of farming papaya because it did not make any money. GMO's would not sell to Japan or lots of other places."

Everyone should count all of the miss-truths in this one statement !!!

I will just point out that GMO Papaya is being sold in Japan !!
It's true the Japanese have finally started buying GMO papayas. I consider the above statement an honest mistake not an intentional "miss-truth."

Please point out the other "mistruths" in the above statement. And while you're checking the facts, any other mistruths you found in this thread pro and con? Please advise as inquiring minds want to know.

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
Darn spell check.

Black spot is a minor nuisance and mainly results in spotted leaves.It didn't replace ringspot which devastates papaya crops.

What does this statement have to do with GMO??

"A few people I know got out of farming papaya because it did not make any money"

Perhaps they got out of farming because they were growing non GMO papaya and had repeated crop failures.

Originally posted by punafish

Please point out the other "mistruths" in the above statement.
There were four statements in there - three are untrue (that papaya farmers are no better off now than they would be without GMO papayas, that black spot has replaced ringspot and is [implied to be] just as bad, and Japan is not buying GMO papayas), and the fourth is a personal anecdote that doesn't have anything to do with GMO. What more do you want?

In case it somehow wasn't clear, GMO papayas are only meant to be resistant to the disease and make it marketable; they're not going to magically double the price of the fruit.

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