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Environmentalists Terminate Hamakua Dairy
Although I still think that the majority of the american population is misinformed about milk and think it's better for them then it actually is...

that said, the Joe Rogan link is freakin' hilarious Terracore!
""Humans are the only animals that drink other animals milk on a regular basis."

Argument shot down in humorous/offensive manner with language that is not safe for work:

Very funny video, thank you! On the other hand, I've seen the odd documentary that shows ants milking and farming aphids, e.g.,

So vegans need to use a new argument or perhaps make the claim that ants are as intelligent as us. Or we're as stupid as them.
Plenty videos
. It all about opportunities. Diba?
"It all about opportunities. Diba?"

Jolly hockey sticks.
"On the other hand, I've seen the odd documentary that shows ants milking and farming aphids, e.g.,"

Let's not forget dung beetles. I guess lots of creatures harvest things excreted from other species.

I guess the things that sets humans apart, is that we try to teach our daughters not to give the milk away, or else nobody will want to buy the cow.

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