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Mauna Kea, the Sacred
That's just like you, Jerry. For the last time:

  • I am not a former hanger on at Andy Warhol's factory
  • I am not Scottish. Well, kind of but not very.
  • I am not 59. Just yet. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. No. NO!
  • I am NOT a sock puppet.
  • I DID take my rental car up to Mauna Kea when it wasn't supposed to go anywhere NEAR Mauna Kea. I was wearing garden clogs, a t-shirt and shorts and it was 50 degrees at the time. I was still wet from the beach.
  • The new Chevy Malibu may be car of the year, or last year, but will only go 3 MPH up the road to Mauna Kea, even in manual
The top of Mauna Kea is one of the best places on earth to build one of the most sophisticated telescopes in the world! Combine that with the UH programs and I see only a win-win situation for the BI.

Does anyone have the phone number to Nanny/911???????

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Originally posted by Rob Tucker

Orchidlandguy, Do you really want to play this game?

What I want is for mdd7000 to be exposed.
He outed himself as "Mark Dugger" here on punaweb.
That is fine if he wants to share his real identity.
However, he tried to expose me. He revealed a name who he insists I am and even though he tried to expose me and was WRONG about who I am, he was breaking rules of exposing someone who is posting on punaweb.
I am not the person he stated i was, but he tried to out me.
He stated I was someone named David K who was 60years plus, scottish and worked for Dell computers. This is exposing someone. Even though he was WRONG he should have some reprocussions for trying to expose a punaweb poster.

mdd7000 (Mark Dugger) has also lied about me many times on punaweb and never taken it back, said he was wrong or backed down. Instead he keeps on lying, or accuses me of more things that I am not doing.

This is not ok to lie about someone and say I am other pwople (dugger, silverpenny and mauka) and state facts about me that are absolutely lies (that I post on another blog, etc).

mdd7000 Mark Dugger is a troll with bait.
Originally posted by Rob Tucker

Orchidlandguy, Do you really want to play this game?

Guess he does!?!?!?!?!?

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we call it cabin fever!
Some of you may not know this, but although the TMT is passing all the hurdles so far it has a competitor - the E-ELT.

Many people I know within the astronomical community believe that only one of these two telescopes will be built simply due to the current economic situation. The E-ELT will be in Chile and the TMT could have been built there, and still might, but there's a strong argument that US money should be spent in the US rather than South America.

Tonight, talking to a group of people from around the world, it seems to be clear that people in Chile welcome all the economic benefits major observatories bring them while here there's a small but very loud group of people who will do what they can to deny that opportunity for the island.

It's certainly an interesting topic and I could write a lot more about it, but *if* only one large telescope gets funding then I suspect Chile and the E-ELT is the favourite. Not because it's a better site, it isn't, just because a small minority will find ways to kill the project through any means they can find.

Just trying to get things back on topic...

Thank you, Tom for a dose of harsh reality. Here's another one. I have a friend who worked with the honors graduates at Hilo High School a couple of years ago. She helped hold a reception for about 30 of them that year who had earned competitive scholarships from a number of sources. At one point during the party, someone asked for a show of hands from those who expected to be living and working on the Big Island after they had completed their college educations. Only three held up their hands, and one of them sheepishly admitted that although he would like to, it was actually unlikely.

If we let this opportunity pass us by, when will we get another? The message we would be sending is "We don't want your scientific, cutting edge technology projects. Leave us in our post-plantation funk." So then the alternative becomes attracting more tourists or retirees (like me) who made their money somewhere else and brought it with them. And we know that that type of economy only produces low-paying service jobs such as gardeners, cashiers, and cleaners. I respect any honest work, but those jobs are not the foundation of a sound economy. The ultimate irony is that the Native Hawaiian population, a small number of whose "leaders" oppose the telescope on cultural grounds, will likely suffer the most from lack of opportunity.
Jerry, I'm not convinced it's anything to do with native Hawaiians. I've spoken to the odd one or two (not on this island) and none were against the TMT. The only one I know, and worked with, on this island who is against the project was quite comfortable working on the mountain at one of the observatories and enjoyed their rather good benefits and wages. This was while throwing out their cigarette butts all over the summit. And now they go on about desecrating sacred sites.

It makes me a little angry but won't say anymore than that.

It could be that a scientific project with a limited physical impact and great benefit is conflated in people's minds with other forms of activity/development.
I agree strongly with you Jerry on this one.
Irony abounds TomK.

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