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Fight for Non-GMO Foods and Proper GMO Labeling
Hmm, "What more do you want?" Is getting different takes on the situation too much to ask? Sure hope not....exactly why I asked for "pros and cons."

Seriously, no axe to grind here. I'm not a papaya farmer and never will be. This is truly out of my area is expertise so I'm interested in hearing all points of view without getting petty and snarky. Any reason why we can't carry on this conversation in a mature, civil manner? I can't think of any...

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
I love ringspot papayas. It's the only type I grow and eat because I'm assured they're not GMO

"An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped" Dr. Ron Paul 2012
beejee: "Paul, would you mind outlining your argument/s why you're against labeling our food. Why no full disclosure and transparency here similar to the drug industry?"

As I said already, there isn't enough room on the label for everyone's unsubstantiated fears.
What if a group stood up and said fruit grown on a Wednesday is evil so that should be mentioned on
the label too? Would you support that? Why not - isn't that "full disclosure"? There is no evidence
that GM food is harmful, hence there is no reason to put it on the label.

LeeE: you really should try reading some actual news websites.

YurtGirl: Please show me where I claimed it was settled, my GM papayas must be affecting my memory.
I said that there is no evidence to conclude that GM food is unsafe. If there is enough scientific
studies saying the opposite then I will change my mind. Nothing will change the minds of the anti-GM
fanatics because their beliefs are just that. What "stirring evidence"? May I remind you that in some
cases the food produced by GM crops is identical down to molecular level to that produced by non-GM
crops. There is no need to even test it when that is the case, yet people will still insist that
somehow it's dangerous because we'd better-be-safe-than-sorry.

Shekelpal: just because you wrote OF THE SAME SPECIES all in caps doesn't make it true.
Never heard of a tangelo? Genetic manipulation has been around for a very long time, we have
just found a more efficient and less cumbersome way of doing it.
"Farmers who go with GMO have to buy new GMO seed each year." Are you sure? And if so,
whay does it matter - they can buy their seed from anyone.
"If their GMO seed pollutes a neighboring field, the people owning that field can be sued by Monsanto"
Sorry, that is not true. If the neighboring farmer miraculously ends up with 99% GM seed (obviously
planted on purpose) then yes, they may be sued. This is what happened in the case that anti-GM activists
keep going on about, without bothering to check the facts.

dwedeking: Glad to hear that you're also against labeling! Our numbers are growing.

Delridge: thanks for demonstrating once again the motives of some (most?) anti-GM activists: blind fear.
PaulW - I'm against labeling by the government. Doesn't mean that I'm in your camp of having my head in the sand that there are long term health issues to GMO's. I'm not against GMO's in principle (man has manipulated nature from day 1 and for the most part for the best) but I do believe that in this case they are spreading them before doing proper research. I do not believe international corporations or our government care 1% for the people of this country and I don't trust them.

"Government is good at one thing: it knows how to break your legs, hand you a crutch, and say, 'See, if it weren’t for the government, you wouldn’t be able to walk." - Harry Browne
PaulW, it's VERY apparent that you are new to the subject and that you have a lot of reading to do to catch up. You continue to shoot down valid arguments with absolutely no validity in your opposing stance, nor even an attempt to point to any science or research. You're off base in the practices across the farming community nation wide. So, in the meantime, maybe you can do us a favor and ease up on the "smarter than thou" attitude?

Stirring evidence... Here's a place you might start. Start reading about ACTUAL studies done regarding GMOs, actual INDEPENDENT studies, not funded through Monsanto and the like. Try to figure out why other bright countries have banned GMOs. Research what big corporations responses have been to resistance. And read about the studies done for long human and ecological health. That should keep you busy!

ps. How much room it would take to put "G.M.O." on a package of food... More room than "Not G.M.O."~

Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
"PaulW, do you work for or have family that works for Monsanto?" Bingo!!!

Honestly Yurtgirl and everyone who have tried, why waste your energy on a bully not interested in anything else but attention? Let him play in the sand box by himself.

Really, it doesn't cost more time nor more money to label. Simple change in the typesetting of the existing label. Why are ingredient lists mandatory? Even then, there are loopholes like "natural flavorings". Regulations need to be enacted at the State level, by its people, not Federally mandated by corporations and its lobbyists.

"An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped" Dr. Ron Paul 2012
I'm on the verge of ousting him from my radar just because he can't back up a decent debate, but I guess I don't give up on people easily Wink

Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
I believe that PaulW and I are trying to point out that you need to consider that everything you buy in a grocery store contains GMO's,pesticides,herbicides and (fill in the blank).

If you want to label food,then have the producers that claim to have GMO free food go through rigorous testing and then they can label their food "GMO FREE".

For those of us who don't worry about it,it would allow us to buy our food without paying the extra cost of a label that we don't need!!!
When the artificial hormone BGH was introduced dairies that didn't use it started labelling their milk "BGH free". The BGH producers attempted to get that halted on the grounds that it implied there was something wrong with BGH. Their efforts stopped the "BGH free" labeling for several years, while the issue wound its way through the FDA and the courts. The GMO industry is far larger, richer, and more powerful than the people behind BGH, and if anyone thinks they will allow foods to be sold that are labelled as GMO free they live in a fantasy land.

The last thing the GMO industry wants is for their foods to be sold alongside products labeled as GMO Free.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
"The last thing the GMO industry wants is for their foods to be sold alongside products labeled as GMO Free."

I don't see it that way.The GMO free products are going to be sold at stores like Island Naturals.I don't shop there because I don't think I should have to pay extra for some nefarious claims!!


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