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I want to wish all the candidates who stepped forward to run and want to see the bylaws followed and the community healed good luck. From what I have gathered, you will have a very difficult time winning since the nominating committee was ignored throughout the whole election process and the majority board and GM took over. Since there is not a shared master copy of who actually received ballots there is no way to cross check and verify. Since the GM had 200 extra ballots printed for 1 district, there are 200 non valid votes and no way to stop this tampering to insure the GM's guys/gals win. One has to wonder if the majority board and those on the ballot supporting the GM are as wicked as he or so ignorant they can't see. Do they really think he will be there for them later? What is exactly in it for them. A person such as he will forget them in the blink he gets what he wants and since our finances are a secret we can only speculate but a wise person knows that enough is never enough with a person with no conscience. The power of controlling big dollars is insatiable so he will not leave on his own accord because he will never be satisfied and/or if he see's it is time to go, he will throw those who supported him under the bus after they are the ones who cover all the trails leading to him. What a sorry,pathetic state HPP is in. We would need 99% of the members to not pay to get anything done and there are to many apathetic members. So what a win win for the majority board and GM.They control our $ and know that no elective official, attorney general etc cares.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men [and women] do nothing." (Edmund Burke)
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I'm in total agreement Old Croc. Although there's a growing number of lot owners who are angry and tired of the blatant and brazen behavior of the law breaking majority board. There are a number of options that are being considered by lot owners....
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Like district recalls on Craig Crelly and Ruth Mizuba if they by some miracle get re elected? Sure looks like the board took over the election. Nothing honest going on there.
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Originally posted by EightFingers
I think the idea of districts should be scrapped and that way everyone has an equal say of who’s elected to the board.
Originally, there were no Districts. Although is was easier to find candidates, the complaint was that they all came from the same area of the subdivision and were accused of only representing that area. The idea of having Districts was to insure fair representation of the entire subdivision. But trying to get candidates from any particular District became a new problem.
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This is the latest on the observers for the ballot counting per email from Patrick Murdoch. He's an appointed rep filling vacancy for Dist 6 until 24 June 2018 membership meeting when the new reps will be sworn in.
"It is all set for the count on the ballots to be on Wednesday 13th at 9:00 AM at the Nanawale Office
The Observers will be Bruce Derrick, Leslie Blyth and myself."
Dist7 rep Leslie Blyth and Nominating Committee chair Bruce Derrick volunteered along with 3 other members and submitted the list to the board a few weeks ago. There's only room for 3 observers per Nanawale.
Patrick Murdoch has been asked a few times now to recuse himself from being an observer at the ballot counting due to lack of member trust for meddling in the district elections when he took over the Nominating Committee's duties "illegally". He will NOT recuse himself which raises questions. His slot should go to a member who signed up.
The upside is that Leslie Blyth and Bruce Derrick will be observers and the GM WILL NOT after all, due to the many protests from members. He has no business observing the ballot counting as he's done for the past 2 yrs.
Murdoch claims the bylaws say the board and the GM are in charge of the ballots. The bylaws say no such thing and indicate another made up bylaw created by the majority board to suit their agenda. It's a conflict of interest for the board to be involved in our election PERIOD, and they have failed in providing the membership a clean election.
The NC submitted regular and unopposed draft ballots to the board in MARCH. From there the draft ballots should've been prepared for each district working along w/the GM. At the 18 April board meeting, the board would've been able to review the final draft ballots before printing and mailing. The ballots would go to the printers and then mailed before or by May 1. None of this happened.
The majority board sat on it until 18 April's board meeting so they could overturn the NC's decision and vote Crelly onto the Dist 6 ballot. A negative domino affect occurred due to this maneuver. The GM and Murdoch began working on the ballots on 23 April and left the NC almost entirely out of the loop, and they mailed the ballots out w/out any oversight by the NC or the board = no checks and balances. What should've been done in 5 weeks time was done in one week by the GM and Murdoch, hence the domino effect of the many errors that followed.
Sidenote: Murdoch was also involved in the mailbox fiasco demanding $$$ for mailboxes in Jan 2017. If you recall there would be a late fee attached if they didn't receive the mailbox $$$ by April 2017. There was no full board vote before it went to the printers and mailed w/our road fee maint billings. Discovered later by a member, the USPS confirmed they had never intended to charge us for mailboxes to begin with. So what had the board intended to do with that mailbox $$$?
Back to original topic: The ballots ended up being mailed past the deadline, on 3 or 4 May. The bylaws state they should be mailed out at least 30 days prior to the deadline of June 1. The board last I heard was still going to use the 1 June deadline as they were setting aside ballots that arrived on 2 June, which is less than 30 days. Hopefully those ballots weren't destroyed as they're valid/legit ballots.
There was no preferential ballots required since none of the districts had more than 2 candidates running in any district. We have discovered Dist 2, 4 and 5 had "preferential" ballots mailed out. Possibly Dist's 3 and 6 also received "preferential" ballots. The NC had no idea what the ballots looked like before they were mailed out. Murdoch's been asked to provide copies of the draft district ballots to the NC on more than 2 occasions and he's not complied. As reported earlier in this thread, two members who live across the street from each other in Dist7 received Dist2 ballots. Dist7 isn't participating in this year's elections...
There are members who paid their road fee maint bills and did not receive a ballot/s. One of them owns 3 lots=3 ballots=3 votes. Murdoch was made aware of these discrepancies and these members still haven't received a ballot.
No wonder people are worried that this is a rigged election.
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Derrick and Blyth will probably see that this election is null and void and should declare it so.
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Part of the reason HPP gets away with this is that County has set the "good governance" bar really really low.
I used to think it was "just " HPP ... but I've been learning about other deals which make HPP seem well-run by comparison.
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Since HPPOA is a corporation what is Hawaii’s version of the SEC throwing a board election should be some kind of fraud?
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Originally posted by Seeb
Since HPPOA is a corporation what is Hawaii’s version of the SEC throwing a board election should be some kind of fraud?
No stock to trade, no SEC
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....