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Mayor Kenoi wants off on a technicality
Did you just throw a Red Herring in the stew?

No I don't think I did. If I understood your previous posts correctly, I believe I have thrown facts into the stew.

Did Billy receive an exemption to the pCard rules?
Was the public informed when he was initially granted the exemption?

Pleas correct me on those specific points if I'm wrong. If you don't like the term "penciled in" I could have used the term "unwritten" which I suppose may also have been the case. But if it was, please, explain to me the process by which Billy was granted the exemption, who, why, when, and where, and how long afterward the general public first was informed.

Thank you

- Be pleasant to inefficient workers; give them undeserved promotions. - Work slowly. - Refer all matters to committees for "further study and consideration. - Hold conferences. - Make travel as inconvenient as possible. - Haggle over precise wordings of communications. - Advocate “caution.” Be “reasonable” and avoid haste. (Excerpts from the WWII OSS Simple Sabotage Manual)
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
"The pCard process is fully automated, allowing all
purchases and payments to be tracked and easily managed."
Ed - It is not really any different than any credit card. You get the info online and in the real world, your manager can see it as well, with late payment notices going to employee and manager. Just lilke a credit card though, it only hows a total from each purchase, not the items purchased. This is where the concealment comes into play here. Billy's own spokesman said there weren't any receipts. Billy also seems to have filed false reports at times which is leading to some of the charges being labeled the way they are.

Pleas correct me on those specific points if I'm wrong. If you don't like the term "penciled in" I could have used the term "unwritten" which I suppose may also have been the case. But if it was, please, explain to me the process by which Billy was granted the exemption, who, why, when, and where, and how long afterward the general public first was informed...."

Man you're asking a lot of me after my asking if you have basis for your assumptions regarding the solitary copy, the pencil, and the secrecy. Can you prove what you wrote? If not your speculation/accusation warranted being identified as a strategic misdirection or distraction, which I did.

if you have basis for your assumptions regarding the solitary copy, the pencil, and the secrecy

Solitary copy: My understanding is that Billy is the only official who was given a wide ranging exemption. Was he not?

Pencil: His exemption was not written into any of the printed pCard regulations I have read, hence, "penciled in," as in not printed in the published version. Can you provide a link to the pCard rules that specifically lists Billy as exempted?

Secrecy: I had never heard about Billy having an exemption to the pCard rules until this situation arose. So "secret," as in not made public. If that was not the case, please correct me if you know otherwise. On any of the above comments.

I'm not making accusations, I'm stating an opinion based on the information available to me. I've asked you to correct me if you have more information, but perhaps you only know as much as I do. Then, again, much of this case comes down to perception, until we find out more.

Oh, and jmo.

- Be pleasant to inefficient workers; give them undeserved promotions. - Work slowly. - Refer all matters to committees for "further study and consideration. - Hold conferences. - Make travel as inconvenient as possible. - Haggle over precise wordings of communications. - Advocate “caution.” Be “reasonable” and avoid haste. (Excerpts from the WWII OSS Simple Sabotage Manual)
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
As I recall from a much earlier forum thread on this same subject, besides the Mayor other senior staff were granted exceptions.
I've yet to see a copy of any of the signed agreements between the exempted management team and the Administrator. I'm surprised it wasn't leaked as a way to balance the original leak. Call me an idealist !
The funny thing about it is after having read all I could about the pCard I don't see any mention of an exemption for the executive branch of government without a SOP-35 form which must be filled out 7 days before the event so it can be approved or not by the Finance Director. And that may exist but is the Finance Director allowed to give Mayor Billy permission to buy a bicycle or party at a hostess bar in the name of the county? Also those Items should have been blocked on his pCard at the point of sale. There all all these merchant codes on the pCard itself that say what you can and cannot buy. Who unblocked his pCard?

Governor Lingle put the pCard program together back in 2003. It started up in 2004 and it has been running ever since. The pCard was not intended for alcohol or personal gain or to buy gifts for people.It has been updated a few times in 2008, 2011 and 2014

After all my looking into this and having found no mention of criminal penalties I venture to believe there should have been an impeachment in front of the county council instead of a trial. That is what the law calls for.
Aloha ahiahi, RJ, and all. As you stated (above):

"After all my looking into this and having found no mention of criminal penalties I venture to believe there should have been an impeachment in front of the county council instead of a trial. That is what the law calls for."

This issue was taken up at Council (Reference links below), and Kenoi spoke to the Council regarding this matter (with no formal move being made, save Margaret Willie's position):

The County Board of Ethics was also involved at the onset, and deferred until a later date, perhaps due to pending legal matters. Then, the meeting in July (2016) decided: (*Snipped - The whole meeting is in the link below) )

"After an hour-long debate, the five person panel voted to end the deferral on the matter and hold a hearing in November, after Kenoi’s trial is expected to be concluded."

Thus, between the trial, the Board of Ethics, and the myriad of challenges Kenoi faces, the end result is still a pock mark on the "office of the Mayor".

For the record, it is my belief he didn't do anything different from other elected officials who have done this for decades (incl. the "hostess bar" crap). He just got caught.



"For the record, it is my belief he didn't do anything different from other elected officials who have done this for decades (incl. the "hostess bar" crap). He just got caught."

I hope this wasn't an attempt to water things down. I don't know if these activities went on before, but even if they did, it doesn't excuse Kenoi's behavior.


"As I recall from a much earlier forum thread on this same subject, besides the Mayor other senior staff were granted exceptions."

There's this thing called Google which you can use to search stuff, including Punaweb. It allows one to post evidence backing up their claims. It'd be nice if you could do that. In a way, it's analogous to providing receipts for items you have bought so others can be confident the expense claim isn't spurious.
Can I google your deleting your posts Tom ? Where is your camera when you delete your own ?

eta: it doesn't excuse behavior
better get a quote down in case he does it again


"For the record, it is my belief he didn't do anything different from other elected officials who have done this for decades (incl. the "hostess bar" crap). He just got caught."

I hope this wasn't an attempt to water things down. I don't know if these activities went on before, but even if they did, it doesn't excuse Kenoi's behavior.


"As I recall from a much earlier forum thread on this same subject, besides the Mayor other senior staff were granted exceptions."

There's this thing called Google which you can use to search stuff, including Punaweb. It allows one to post evidence backing up their claims. It'd be nice if you could do that. In a way, it's analogous to providing receipts for items you have bought so others can be confident the expense claim isn't spurious.


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