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Woman's body found off Kalapana
Originally posted by snorkle

If any other credible information surfaces, we will find out, and it will have to be from a more reliable source than some bitter, illegal, trespassing tour operator who may have been yelled at by a Hawaiian.

Evidence? Even his own customers have complained online, witnessing this guy threaten people other than me. He has been well-known to be out of control for years, while people like me shut their mouths (not that we had any legitimate place to complain).

As far as trespassing, I generally used the coastal trail that led to the ocean entry, and then turning up flow towards Pu'u 'O'o. I was not trespassing on any land owned by the person threatening me, nor did his family own any of the land I was crossing.

Also, if you want to charge someone with trespassing, call the police. Threatening and bribing is not the legal protocol.
If you were leading a group from Arnotts past the County viewing area, without permission from the County or the landowners, you were trespassing. (Hope this is easier for you to understand).

Quince_Mento, the head of Civil Defense for the County at the time, had to work out access rights for the County Viewing area. (Even the County had to get permission) That's why the workers yelled at visitors who wandered past the boundries (they were trespassing). The County couldn't control access after hours, and people would go to the ocean entry on there own. (They were trespassing)

There were a couple of photographers, HVO scientists, and the occasional film crew who also had permission to access the ocean entry.

Without permission, the only legal way to access the Ocean entry, was along the coastline.

I believe some local Hawaiians may have indeed yelled at you; and maybe even used salty language. That's hardly a reason to slander them or accuse them of murder, when all available evidence points elsewhere.

From your very first post, your filthy vendetta against Kalapana Hawaiians has been from the perspective of an illegal tour guide scolded for trespassing. Shame on you. It's a good thing that the only result of your smear campaign, is that you've burned any bridges you may have had with Kalapana. The truth will come out.

edit: read your first post. You were trespassing. You avoid the dangerous coastal are by your own admission.


"Boaz and Brittany were not the first people to be threatened or bullied when it came to purchasing that particular lot. Realtors have admitted that other potential buyers were threatened to the point that they backed out completely, never to return. Boaz obviously didn't back down like others, given that he was going to close on the deal the very next day."

So someone name annoy-mouse says something and it's true, right? Anyone can say they were intimidated. I don't believe your stories and they have absolutely no credibility unless you want to say who you are and make your accusations from an honest platform.
And as far as what people online say about KCT, have you read the reviews? They are mostly good with one bad story that again may or may not be true.
Because proof is difficult to come by is not any kind of defense. Again, where is your proof? You're so sure the nice white boy couldn't murder his girlfriend but here we have real and absolute proof .
"Also, if you want to charge someone with trespassing, call the police". - annoy_mouse.

This sound advice coming from the same individual that not 10 minutes earlier:

"Consider me one of the 65% of percent of local citizens that don't trust contacting police or the integrity of police investigating a local crime in my area." - annoy_mouse

Which one is it? The 65% giving the 35% counsel! Or the numbers are inflated and used to confuse the readers!
Please shut this disgusting and baseless attack on Hawaiians down.
(before more armchair investigators start "putting forth a hypothesis to examine it for inconsistencies")
@Jackson, I'm not here to convince you whether my story is true or not. I gave my story to the people that need it, as I will continue to do so. You are not one of those people.

@Damien, it was actually a sarcastic comment implying that locals in puna generally don't handle things by relying on police.

@Snorkle, It's good to see you finally stating and confirming your true intent, that is, to do anything you can to persuade Rob Tucker to end all discussion pertaining to the possible murder of Boaz Johnson.
If you are not trying to convince me or anyone of anything than please stop trying. And you have given me and everyone else here your story. You also told me about all the angry tourists and I find 99.9% online were very happy. Your agenda may not be obvious but you do have an agenda. Maybe you see KCT as "unfair" competition. If you crossed private land without permission as you have stated you did, and you got yelled at for it by someone who arranged rights of way, suck it up. Find another way to make money.
It wasn't just a scolding for trespassing. It was much more severe than a scolding, illegal too. Ruth, Bo, and their friend all witnessed his threatening behavior. Ruth wrote a formal statement about her experience and we have text messages that also corroborate her story. Text messages that were sent prior to the written statement, proving it wasn't fabricated for defending Bo. I agree that she should have made a police report, she obviously regrets that, don't know what the police would/could have done about it anyways.

Please try and view this from our perspective; Our family member was threatened by an angry local of the area. It wasn't just a scolding, Bo was warned not to do any tours, he was told that he was trespassing, the angry local tells him that his family owns all 900 acres of the lava field. Bo was told that if he did not comply, the local would show up again with his AR and shoot up his house. Bo has been planning to buy land for some time now, he lets many people know that he will start a lava tour business and have a parking lot installed for his customers. Now Bo is missing for 7 months. After a threat like that do you really think that we will look any further than the man who threatened Bo for doing tours and told him he owned all the land, assumably including that land Bo was just about to purchase the following day of him going missing? It was just too many coincidences to not involve this man in our investigation and suspicion.

No one is blaming all of Kalapana, every Hawaiian, or his family. He knows what he did. I hope all this bad publicity has taught a lesson that threatening people's lives is not acceptable. Especially for something so minor as a tourist's first offense of trespassing.

If he is such an upstanding guy, why doesn't he apologize to Ruth for threatening her? Try to make it right? Do the respectable thing, own up and apologize.
Apologize to the people falsely accusing him of murder? I'm sorry for your loss Ms Johnson, but you'll never reach closure as long as you don't accept the evidence as it surfaces.

There's as much evidence that a rival illegal tour operator (mouse) did it as there is implicating the Hawaiians; That is NONE.

I'm sorry your sister got yelled at, and maybe even threatened, but the evidence points to Bo. It hurts me to say it; I'm not insensitive. But evidence is just that, and so is speculation.

You must be terribly disappointed in spineless people like mouse who won't come forward to corroborate your story. I admire your courage and if new evidence comes to light implicating anyone other than Bo; I would accept it.
Look at mouse's story on page 36. It's his first post and reads like a bad pulp fiction novel.

The problem with lies is that they are difficult to keep up with and his first lengthy narrative has a lot of inconsistencies with later statements.

He says: "Upon further research, I learned that there was basically little-to-no enforcement on preventing locals or tourists from trespassing across this land to access the flow."

False- The County and DLNR both were involved.

He says: " I was young and daring, and I'm not particularly known to be easily scared by thugs or bullies."

False, Have the courage to step up and validate your accusations to the authorities.

He says: "Just as we started to enter the parking lot, we saw the so-called local "security" guards approaching us from about 50 meters away. They were yelling at us and wanting us to stay in the parking lot. Although I was young and dumb, I wasn't stupid enough to sit and wait for angry locals to harass us yet again. For all I knew, these guys were just local thugs trying to trick tourists into paying some imaginary fee. or even worse, Hawaiian Mafia.

False, The County Civil Defense employees were mainly from prominent local Hawaiian families, vetted by the County, and absolutely professional.

He says, after an incredible car chase and Indiana Jones beat down: "Luckily, I learned that lesson with my life BARELY spared, while so many others have not been so fortunate."

"So many others"? Huh? WTF? Please cite one other instance.

He says: "My story is not a unique story. Having been a former resident of Lower Puna, stories like this happen far too often. Many of them get covered up, while many others get little or no coverage at all. Anyone that is a resident of Puna will admit to this, as it is common knowledge to everyone that lives there: Haoles that break the rules will end up in a puka, or turned into shark bait"

Utterly False- Again, please cite.

He says: " It is well-known that if you want to do a lava tour, you have to pay a bribe. If you don't honor the bribe, then you will dissappear from the area, voluntarily or involuntarily, period."

Anyone else come forward? Nope......False

He says: " Uncle and Aunty can't hide you this time, and the family members of the victims were not naive or gullibe enough to allow local police to cover it up as theyt have done so many times in the past. "

Any evidence that local families and police were involved? No...False

Just your word mouse. don't quit your day job.

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