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HPP stuff
Originally posted by Karma96749

The figure was $90,000, not $85,000 .
However, this piece of equipment was NEVER purchased.


Was there a decision made to not follow through on the approved expenditure? Can you tell us which meeting and where the minutes are for that meeting if that was the case? Or was this purchase something that just fell between the cracks?
FYI, I heard via the grapevine (Steve C) that the the treasurer cancelled the Finance Committee meeting. No new date set. So, we will have to wait even longer to find out about where over $85,000.00 went.........This thread and Punaweb is important and a valuable tool to keep us informed. Sure wish that is how it would be used.
Well, I wrote everything but what is in the parenthesis() Karma96749, Are you pulling a Mermaid? You couldn't be farther from the truth. I've never met this person though I do know who he is. Because of people like you and Mermaid, I'd never give up a source. The likes of you could never be trusted. My source would certainly surprise you all.
The Finance Committee used to discuss possible expenditures, look at the multiple bids and make their recommendations. They were a sounding board in between the populous of HPP and the board. This was a very fair and sound method which is not being practiced any more. They were knowledgeable of the budget and HPP finances via the bookkeeper and the treasurer. Our finances were more read ably accessible. I liked this and appreciated their thoroughness.There was not this secrecy we have now or lack of information. We were all able to know what had been spent, what needed to be spent and when. Not now.
Karma, you need to apologize and think before you say anything else so stupid and arrogant.
If one would consider that I may be correct on what I stated about a certain poster/s, then maybe one would also consider the source of this person's postings (2nd, 3rd hand, never 1st hand) and also consider his agenda. I asked kahunascott a GM type question on one of my posts and hppwatchdog answered it...

Janet, I made a remark that didn't sit well w/ be it. Everyone has a right to their opinion and I had nothing new to add to that hot topic. I also consider your postings a valuable contribution.

Katarina still hasn't responded to how she knows so much about the lawsuit and what discoveries have or haven't been made while most members aren't privy to that kind of information. Can't be coming from the board so must be from the TE's.

The association is still due some big $$$$ and/or work due from the contractors' of our last paving job which cost and lost us thousands and thousands of dollars from the last of our bond $. We were told at a board mtg that you don't always get what you want in a contract, "a contract is just guidelines". They kicked the can down the road and the issue's still unresolved. It's a big endeavor for whomever wants to take that on. JC has admitted mistakes were made and apologized openly about what occurred under their mgmt. Kudos to her for that.

I hope this board has their nose to the grind in getting a GM and bookkeeper hired ASAP, even if it means hiring temps. Volunteers are needed for the nominating committee who is behind as well.
Sticking your own words into the middle of someone else's post as if they said it is an incredibly dishonest thing to do. It is the sort of thing that reduces discourse to a gutter level with no integrity.

I am so frustrated that this discussion has dropped to that level. I hope the person who did that will rethink their behavior and rise up to a more ethical level in this discussion, because that is a whole new low here.
Originally posted by Katarina

FYI, I heard via the grapevine (Steve C) that the the treasurer cancelled the Finance Committee meeting. No new date set. So, we will have to wait even longer to find out about where over $85,000.00 went.........This thread and Punaweb is important and a valuable tool to keep us informed. Sure wish that is how it would be used.
Well, I wrote everything but what is in the parenthesis() Karma96749, Are you pulling a Mermaid? You couldn't be farther from the truth. I've never met this person though I do know who he is. Because of people like you and Mermaid, I'd never give up a source. The likes of you could never be trusted. My source would certainly surprise you all.
The Finance Committee used to discuss possible expenditures, look at the multiple bids and make their recommendations. They were a sounding board in between the populous of HPP and the board. This was a very fair and sound method which is not being practiced any more. They were knowledgeable of the budget and HPP finances via the bookkeeper and the treasurer. Our finances were more read ably accessible. I liked this and appreciated their thoroughness.There was not this secrecy we have now or lack of information. We were all able to know what had been spent, what needed to be spent and when. Not now.
Karma, you need to apologize and think before you say anything else so stupid and arrogant.

Good post, but the finance committee is more than a sounding board. There is a Policy and Procedure document from around 2000. It clearly states the procedure for expenditures over $1,500 which includes the finance committee approval. This committee is to do the leg work and make a recommendation to the board.

But this board makes backroom deals in the office and moves forward with them.

And for you Karma, if the board hasn't purchased a new piece of equipment, please tell us what the $85K deduction is for on the balance sheet under capital expenditure?

I can't see why the FC doesn't meet monthly as the old board did.
The last treasurer was a volunteer and she managed to hold a meeting monthly. Maybe, we need a more dedicated treasurer so common folks can get the financial information they are due!
Originally posted by hppwatchdog
Good post, but the finance committee is more than a sounding board. There is a Policy and Procedure document from around 2000. It clearly states the procedure for expenditures over $1,500 which includes the finance committee approval. This committee is to do the leg work and make a recommendation to the board.

But this board makes backroom deals in the office and moves forward with them.

And for you Karma, if the board hasn't purchased a new piece of equipment, please tell us what the $85K deduction is for on the balance sheet under capital expenditure?

I can't see why the FC doesn't meet monthly as the old board did.
The last treasurer was a volunteer and she managed to hold a meeting monthly. Maybe, we need a more dedicated treasurer so common folks can get the financial information they are due!

No, but another inaccurate Katarina post misinforming members, "pulling a Katarina".

This board may have transparency issues but so did your mgmt and previous mgmts. It's not right, but it's also not unique. You are being hypocritical in most of your posts. Lot owners during your tenure, so frustrated w/non transparency issues discussed recalls or hiring attys. That's why video/audio recordings became a monthly task bc the minutes were being edited. If certain events occurred that certain people didn't want in the minutes, it'd get omitted entirely. I know bc I was there at "those" mtgs and you wouldn't find the info in the minutes. I know which meetings were heavily edited. The last GM report on our website is Oct 2013.

Tensions got so bad btw lot owners and the mgmt that there was atty presence at some mtgs. Sometimes w/out prior board approval. Who paid the atty fees? A mtg was shut down w/in several minutes bc of irate lot owners yelling mismanagement from the gallery. Process wasn't followed for shutting down the mtg either. Only 1 warning. Members stayed hoping the meeting would resume but you removed all the microphones and left the building to JC's surprise. The GM's not supposed to shut down a mtg. I did feel badly for you at that meeting despite the circumstances. The mtg had to be rescheduled on a Friday where half the membership attendance dropped off.

Katarina's "friend" in this Finance committee and the previous one, rarely went to board mtgs if at all, previous to the green waste issue. So their info is not first hand prior to this. Look at the attendees listed in previous minutes and you won't see their names. Whatever she says prior to 7 mos ago should be taken w/a grain of salt bc her info isn't first hand. Her assessment of the park's condition during the previous mgmt is also inaccurate. If she had driven around the park, she would've seen the tall grass, the faded street and stop signs (that are still there), wobbly sign posts, tree limbs hanging in the lane of traffic, hazardous line of sight issues, and the inferior road material we kept buying and laying on our roads. Photos don't lie.

Katarina's "friend" showed up at a board mtg one day making an announcement that a letter requesting a variance for the green waste citation had been sent to the DOH. He said the letter was his idea and it was discussed at a Finance mtg. A board member asked him who gave him permission to do this and it became obvious it was decided at the Finance Committee mtg, not at a board mtg as per our bylaws. He didn't even know our bylaws had been broken by bypassing the board on an important decision like this. There was a 90 day time constraint to comply or risk heavy fines per day. It was a serious matter and the request for a variance delayed immediate action to haul the 2 green waste piles, AFTER soliciting bids were to be done per our corporate policy. The variance was denied.

There were 3 exec members on the Finance Committee. It would make one wonder if there were other decisions made there after this incident. Before the variance was denied, this "friend" discussed seeking another variance for the time line if the initial variance was denied. This too was discussed at a Finance Committee mtg. I was there.

Maybe during your tenure there were more Finance meetings bc there was more financial activity/expenditures??? Our bylaws don't require monthly Finance mtgs. Minimum is 3 x's a year and it's left up to the treasurer's discretion. I remember you asking for $$$ at board mtgs "off the cuff" and it not being recorded in the minutes. I remember which mtg this occurred at even though it's not in the minutes. Lot owner welders thought less pricey welding equip would've sufficed after they asked you what it would be used for. Their consensus was that you were purchasing a cadillac welder and the majority board approved $2500 right then and there.

This is all first hand information. Some can be found in the minutes, and unfortunately other bits were edited out of the minutes.
Turn the HPP board antics into a reality show and be done with it.
This is not the first time Karma96749 has committed this particular "fraud", as evidenced in the old thread:

Posted 9/26/2914


You assume too much too easily. Don't go putting words in people's mouths that they did not say. It is a bad habit. (emphasis added)

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator"

Personally, until such time ad Karma96749 apologizes to Katarina and promises never to do such again, I will ignore his posts as being suspect of the same deceitful behavior.
You are missing the point. You inserted words into a quote, making it look like that person wrote those words when they did not. That is deliberate deceit. Katarina and Janet may say things you disagree with, their version of past events may differ from yours, and there is no accurate historical record to confirm either version of reality, or prove an entirely different version, but what you are doing is deliberate conscious deceit.

You had to consciously decide to move your cursor and click in the middle of a quote and insert your own words. That is not a difference of opinion of what happened in the past, that is choosing to put words in someone's quote that they did not write. Only someone who doesn't really have a solid position to support would do that, it is the move of a desperate liar who is willing to create an outright false record of what someone said to bolster their own case.

I sure hope you don't have anything to do the HPPOA minutes or other records, because you have now proven you are willing to say or do anything, no matter how false or deceitful, to prove your point. Those records are incomplete enough, if you have anything to do with them they would be completely untrustworthy.

Karma, maybe what you did was a just a late night lapse in judgement, but your refusal to either admit what you did was wrong, or fix your misquote, shows you are willing to do anything to "win" a debate, no matter how clearly deceitful it is.

edited to add name of the person this is addressed to
Originally posted by Katarina
It is unbelievable to me that we are clueless to what they are doing with OUR money. 1 person dong the books and doing her own oversight. And 1 poster defends her to this day. If this had happened last year I am sure we would all hear screaming about this.

And again the person(s) say move on, call other com-mentors out (or think they know who is who), call names, still blame the old board, yet they are the very ones doing all these things... no one else. Calling the kettle black is the very one who does. This incorrectly asserted superior attitude is what ruins an informative thread. This thread and Punaweb is important and a valuable tool to keep us informed. Sure wish that is how it would be used.

Katarina, it's only informative if the information is accurate. If the information is inaccurate, you are misinforming people. You keep stirring that black kettle...

Your information is incorrect AGAIN. The treasurer isn't the ONLY person handling our $$$. There are 2 other people who work in the ofc. Be careful what you accuse people of in regards to the association's money.

Your Finance Committee "friend" doesn't work in the ofc so he doesn't know anything beyond attending finance mtgs. Check your facts before posting 2nd, 3rd hand info which is panning out to be your MO on these threads.

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