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I am being bumped off shifts by a retiree
I beg to differ, asside from a few toking issues, "liberals" In Hawaii seem to be highly intolerant of individual Liberty and different ideas. Not that the "conservatives" in Hawaii are any better mind you. Swap out tolerance for pot smoking homosexuals with tolerance for some economic Liberty and you get Hawaiian "liberals" and "conservitives" with an almost identical intolerance of Liberty and a belief that they know better how to run someone else's life.

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck, even if the duck thinks its a swan or a golden plover.
One of the reasons i built a house here in Hawaii was to escape the currents (venom) of partanism. In my ten years or so in Maui and another 7 here I have yet to encounter the venom I see here on Punaweb

Its one thing we dont need to bring to this island which has a culture of mutual respect

sad that so many dont seem to get it, just want to keep on fighting

the good news is the worst offenders seem to be the first to pack it up and bail out

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