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Mayor Kenoi wants off on a technicality
Thank you RJH, Couldn't agree with you more. In small communities like ours, embarrassment often replaces punishment and their public responsibility. Jmo.

Our Mayor's P-Card misuse brings many questions and only convinces some not to trust those in Power. The whole taking advantage of the good intended P-Card system could or may have been premeditated from the beginning? The illegal and unethical scam or oversight may have been allowed, Assisted with, and even now protected?
Our Mayor may now be playing the naive, dumb, or didn't know "card" because of the "changing to the caught" circumstance that now surrounds his inappropriate P-Card spending habits?
Our Mayor may indeed be a very smart and cunning man who may have understood the state or governments different TAX percentages that are attached to personal credit cards, maybe even before he signed into the public's trusted Mayor's office that granted him the use and trust of the governments P-Card's?
He may not have owned or excepted a personal credit card or two on purpose because of his position of trust? As to avoid all the many increasingly expensive taxes that also come with the lifestyle of "first-class" drinkie-drinkie tabs, prepared meals, hotel rooms, airfares, cars, bikes, surfboards, exams, and so on. jmo

After watching the entire video of our mayor delivering the 2016 budget to the assisting County council, which did include his understanding of personal credit cards, the added taxes, and animosity towards the state's TAT system. I find it increasingly difficult to trust or believe our mayor did not know the way the P-Card system worked or it's possible ramifications if misused. jmo
Relax, this is not getting any deeper, if anything it's getting clearer. As the facts are brought out we'll get out from under the cloud of confusion that Cook Lauer (CL) created with her obfuscations and hyperbole. As an example, contrast this article that John Burnett (JB) wrote with any of CL's. JB's is quite extensive, as were many of CL's , but the information is presented in a systematic, concise form with out the cant and innuendo that CL constantly interwove.

JB's questioning of the attorney Lawson provides good context for understanding what's underlying the release of email issues, and what the implications and consequences are likely to be. I would surmise with CL on the courts list she will no longer be opining on this subject so hopefully JB will continue as the reporter on the case. In my opinion Tom Callis was no improvement over CL on this subject.

I wonder that with all of your conjecture, that is the use of "may" in all your various scenarios, how do you ever arrive at an opinion or conclusion that is fact based ? Is that why you "jmo" so frequently, so as to minimize or diminish your position because there is so much supposition ?
Our Mayor may indeed be a very smart and cunning man who may have understood the state or governments different TAX percentages that are attached to personal credit cards, maybe even before he signed into the public's trusted Mayor's office that granted him the use and trust of the governments P-Card's?
Gypsy - you may be onto something here. Does anyone know if the pCard purchase automatically triggers no sales tax on a purchase within the state?

If it does (just like the EBT cards are setup) - has the mayor with his personal purchases not cheated the state out of the sales tax (GET) on those purchases?
This might be my new goal in life... run for office.. get a pcard... eat lunch only at touchy feely bars when 'discussing' county matters...stay at the finest hotels..yeah..yeah that's the ticket....

.. and no taxes.. yeah.. yeah.

( Reference to an old SNL character)

..Bad boys,Bad boys what we gonna do...let ya out on bail for a buck or two...
Does anyone know if the pCard purchase automatically triggers no sales tax on a purchase within the state?

Not likely. The State is not exempt from State taxes, another example of astounding stupidity.

I did a job for the State once and didn't charge the sales tax, assuming it was exempt. Surprise! The tax department informed me "The State is not exempt from State taxes". I got screwed for the tax and a late payment fee.
The State is difficult to do business with, slow to pay, LOTS of tax clearances etc. I don't bother with them anymore. Those who do, charge more to compensate for the headaches. That's why the government jobs seem so expensive compared to what logic would dictate, because there is no logic.

When I was teaching, business people donated stuff to UH rather than doing the paperwork, or more likely refused to deal with us at all.
I did a job for the State once and didn't charge the sales tax

It's not a "sales" tax, it's a "gross receivables" tax, charged on business activity, for the "privilege" of doing business in the State.

There are many exemptions; see HRS 237.
I really really really want know why Kenoi doesn't or didn't have any credit cards of his own. If his credit was so bad he couldn't qualify for even one of those prepaid Visa cards from Walmart, the populus of Hawaii county must have set a record for being the most idiotic in the country for voting him into office. Illiterate people who pay cash for what little they don't get from the welfare dept., and those with government jobs dependent on Kenoi keeping that money rolling in even when it's not in the best interest of the county. Puna has most definitely made a Republican out of me. I'd love to see the welfare cut cut out slowly over the next couple of years and only given to those with obvious physical disabilities. No more food stamps.
I am trying to deal with the county council, the legislation branch of the government, and all some of you want to deal with is the judiciary i.e. the circuit court, where the Mayor is going to duke it out in October.

Here is a good question will Billy use sick time or vacation time? Or will they hold night court to accommodate the Mayor's schedule? I always liked that show.

Like Richard Nixon, Billy should have been impeached. Even Nixon had sense enough to resign before they impeached his behind. Should the people continue to pay Billy's salary when he has caused all this mess? Again I say he should be defending himself outside of the Mayors office. I agree with the poster who said 'people have been tarred and feathered for less'.

I don't call Billy a thief. I call him a selfish and foolish man. Nobody can prove that Billy wasn't going to pay it back before he left office. But all of that is for him to convince the jury and the judge that is coming over from Honolulu. It was the County Council's duty to hold impeachment hearings and to find Mayor Billy Kenoi guilty of maladministration and malfeasance. End of story.
Nobody can prove that Billy wasn't going to pay it back before he left office.

Is such a lengthy repayment schedule even allowed by the "rules"?
Originally posted by kalakoa

Nobody can prove that Billy wasn't going to pay it back before he left office.

Is such a lengthy repayment schedule even allowed by the "rules"?

In answer to your question...No, it is not allowed by the rules.

You are suppose to pay it back immediately because the State wants it's money so it can pay the bank on time therefore not having to pay the interest which can be astronomical. That is why you have to have the report in monthly and that is why the managing director and finance director manage the Mayors pCard.

They have thrown this to the courts which gives Billy time to walk out of office with a pension instead of being impeached. It is very clear in our State constitution and the Hawaiian charter which should not have been thwarted by the County Council. They should have done their duty even if it was painful.

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