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eye doc referral
My husband has been seeing Dr. Carpenter for several years and has been very pleased with his care.

We've both been very happy with Dr. Camblor's services as an optometrist, too.
My wife had a very serious eye problem which almost caused it's loss. She was in terrible pain but the Doctors just didn't get it. Her pain started in the eye and radiated throughout her head. It was terrible. I started feeding her my Oxy stash I kept for kidney stones and finally got the Docs to prescribe some for her. Unfortunately they only helped a little. We stuck with the Doc as she was seeing the best there is (Bascom Palmer Eye Institute). When she saw her regular doctor he gave her some Zanax. Wow, pain issue pretty much solved and no more taking the Oxys. Not to say she didn't have discomfort (still does) but no more excruciating pain. She has improved and now doesn't use anything but the Sustain tears. The point being that her extreme pain seemed to be a stress reaction to the initial eye pain. It might be worth looking into and your doctor might be more willing to try you on Zanax if your situation fits. He eye doctors didn't prescribe the Zanax but when told they said "Yeah, that makes sense". It was unfortunate that she suffered so much pain before we figured it out. We're talking several months. It's now been over a year from the first onset. Unfortunately she is still likely looking at a cornea transplant but we pray that isn't necessary.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Had a good experience with Dr. Camblor.

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