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HPP Special Assessment Proposal
Tom, the proposal as described would be put to a vote, and there are provisions embedded in the association by-laws that allow for special assessments. My understanding of the principle behind such a provision is that it was intended for emergencies such as natural disasters and not for politically created situations. The disturbing thing about putting it to a vote is the profound apathy that may HPPOA members display toward HPP elections. As I noted above, as few as 301 votes could carry it. Adding confusion is the fact that they intend to send the ballot out in the annual financial statements, rather than a separate mailing. Lots of people I know don't even look at the financials, and I fully expect that a large number of people would not even know this was being voted on.
Bloody hell, if they are going to try and hide this by smothering it behind financial statements this is going to annoy a lot of people.

Sorry for being a bit British about this right now - "annoy" can be replaced by a number of swear words that even Hawaiians or Americans may never have heard before...

Does it all add up? Our last road paving bond had a basis at the bottom of the oil market at the time and we paid to pave the whole park. Wow, look at us now! I'm sure my road maintenance fees (+10% / year) have been well spent as I look at cinder and a dust cloud in front of my lots! Are we going to repeat the same mistake again via a different payment vehicle that will result in the same outcome? I'd rather lay concrete at my cost in front of my lots - bypass the problem. Somehow I doubt I can do that.
conversely, there may be 301 people that didn't know it was being voted on that would support it. because it is a vote, and because the easiest people to get a hold of are people that live there, it would be an easy matter to strike up a campaign supporting your cause. then a vote would fairly represent the consensus.

seems like a big waste of money to me, considering it's on an active volcano. come down the road with a water truck once a week, if there was no rain.
Thanks for the heads up Jerry. I know I would have tossed the financials in the trash without reading them.
I'm incensed by this. On a daily basis I see kids, joggers, and cyclists come close to death because there are no sidewalks on the main roads.

As I've mentioned before I've been clipped 2X by cars speeding down my street while I was walking my dogs. Like many residents in HPP, I've resorted to walking down along Beach because there is less traffic. I noticed a few days ago that they put white pole barriers along the bottom of Paradise where it ends and veers left at the ocean. Now people are parked at the intersection of Paradise and Beach making it difficult to see beyond the parked cars when you are driving through the intersection - an accident waiting to happen if you ask me!

And they want to double my road fees?????
Tom, to be fair, I was clearly told that the reason for sending the ballots in the financials was to save on postage. I don't think they have thought it all the way through, though. Also remember that it has not yet been decided to do this. The meeting is Wednesday, August 15 at 6 p.m. in the hui library, and every lot owner gets three minutes at the beginning to voice an opinion. If you want to speak, don't be late. There are three new board members, so there's no telling how it might go.
I'm glad I don't live in HPP. What will they think up next? Maybe they need some speed bumps someplace. Will they just ask everyone for another XXX for XXX years ??? I'd be wondering myself about what would happen if such a measure passed, and 1/4 of the sub-division didn't have the cash to pay 2500 bucks over 5 years... What now? Do you force gramps off his lot and sell it because he couldn't come up with the cash?
Originally posted by ericlp

I'm glad I don't live in HPP. What will they think up next? Maybe they need some speed bumps someplace. Will they just ask everyone for another XXX for XXX years ??? I'd be wondering myself about what would happen if such a measure passed, and 1/4 of the sub-division didn't have the cash to pay 2500 bucks over 5 years... What now? Do you force gramps off his lot and sell it because he couldn't come up with the cash?

I think you hit the nail on the head with this issue.

**edited for proper grammer
This topic points out a glaring error in the way votes are counted toward major decisions.
It is my opinion that to implement such a major levy should reqire a 'yes' vote of a majority of ALL lot owners.

When I bought in HPP, I did so knowing that many of the roads were unpaved, and I built on an unpaved road. I do not want to see the roads paved and feel that the rough road protects me from speeders and increased traffic.

I will not be on Island when this matter comes up at the next association meeting, but I would be happy to allow anyone speaking out against this measure to include me and my three votes as being irrevocably opposed to any such levy.
Two thoughts;

If this is complaint driven, would it not be considered "discriminatory" by the courts?

Dust Mitigation Plan:
Barricade the side streets in the middle so as to make them "not a thru street" from either side, until they are paved; one at a time. Say every 8 streets,or so, as $ allows.

Ed to add; this would probably cut down on crime as well.

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