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Eye Sore in HPP, and it really pisses me off!
Ha, ha, yeah it was the luck of the draw. I have a lovely lot. extra large where most are 8-9,000 sq ft, mine is over 12,000. and just 6 bocks from the ocean. It's elevated has a peek-a-boo ocean view which will get larger once One lot down the street from me gets cleared and or a house, and we've got a nice ocean breeze, can hear the waves, all day and night, crashing against the rocks too. . The location is also what we needed, much dryer than most of Puna, and a water company..We, my wife and I are both disabled. me with rheumatoid arthritis and her with chronic asthma.. It's nice and dry there! Not to dry, but nice. Has multi-levels flattened out which will make great planting terraces and the rear has natural plants, trees and shrubs, which makes a nice border. Plus, when I graded I had them dig a puka so i can make a pond later on. Not to leave out, at 97 foot elevation, ain't gonna have a tidal wave problem as well.

My troubles stems from both neighbors, on either side, right and left. At first, it was all about rats however, they've accidentally disclosed the real reasons, one last December and the other a few days ago.. It's the breeze and view. The worst one, is unfortunate to own a lot which my property cuts a diagonal line straight threw half of their rectangle lot. They called me complaining about rats, after the other had done so. However, last December she mentioned, breese..; 'If my avocado tree was gone, there'd be no more rat problem and they'll get a better breeze.' Never even mentioning the other two large avocado trees on my lot.

The other side has created a nice patio with a Jacuzzi on the side of their house, just ten feet from my lot. A few days ago they commented about the breeze. How ,with my lot clear now they enjoy a nice breeze, Go figure?

Could I have discovered these people were selfish, inconsiderate, arrogant, and disrespectful before I bought this lot?

Not likely. both have clean yards, one is very well kept while the other is decent. no junk cars, trash (cept on my lot), etc.

All the other neighbors are friendly, whether clean yard or not, one catty-corner, across the street is obviously a rental, but the occupants are friendly and generous.

So,, who could have known? Had i met them before buying, i doubt they would have tipped me off on their personal problems and feelings; as if they have the right to say what happens on the lot THEY DON'T OWN.

NOT to leave out, both of these neighbors had an opportunity to buy my lot, from the lady across the street, for $8,000, in a 50K market, Dec-Jan, 2004-5.. They turned her down, she sold it to a "flipper" (buys super cheap and lists it the same week for thousands more), who came knocking at her door with this 'Jesus sent me' trip, ( info directly from this lady across the street who owned it) and a year later I came along, 50k in a 70-80k market.

It's HB. I looked at HSR before I bought, and for 50k, (going rate at the time) HSR had one lot I liked but, a neighbor who had four dogs on chains, junk and stuff about his lot, and just plain, about 12 violations of HSR CCR's. So, what's the point in having CCR's? Besides, i did not like the CCR's in HSR anyways.. not worth the annual fees and building restrictions just to name a few... Plus,,, from what I heard, HSR's water company is about to go belly up for over load of housing.. Pumps are in very sad condition pipes and plumbing needs up grading too..a-n-d well is too small.. (you heard it here first, Ha ha.) Actually, this is what a certain well drilling contractor told me..

Sorry Beachboy didn't mean to swipe your thread, although it does have some relations to yours. Plus, like you; venting on trash and neighbors, ha.

Anyways, LETS have a PARTY!!! at my lot!! LOL..

I can just picture it, a swarm of Haoles!! ha.. Although, one side is a import and the other, really bad side, ain't Hawaiian either. both wives, where the troubles originate and continues, work at the same place, team work, go figure?

Edited by - Jeffhale on 05/16/2007 22:00:00
More proof that the locals hate "Haoles". Another reason that I am slowly changing my mind about moving to the Islands. I would dislike neighbors like that, and it would make my life miserable. I can't understand the attitude of such trashy, mean people, maybe they think they own the whole island and can destroy it, if they want to.

Always do what evers next.
I've lived here pretty much all my life and consider myself a "local". I've got to say the posts expressing the opinion that it's the locals who are leaving their trash around are true for the most part. Many locals just don't care, "Ainokea" as they say. Many are poor and drive in crappy old cars. When these cars no longer run they can't afford to dispose of them properly so they just leave somewhere. Many are just trying to survive and don't have the luxury of thinking about keeping the place beautiful merely for the benefit of tourists and people who may come and buy up all the land and drive prices up. The trashier the land looks the less value it has for haoles but the land is still the land for most locals. We would never move no matter how trashy the place got. Diminishing property values are actually in our interest.

I'm not making any excuses for this behaviour, just trying to explain it. And I'm not one of these people who leaves trash around. I get just as disgusted when I see it.

I also wish people wouldn't make this out to be a racial or local vs. haole thing. I've never been to the rural parts of the mainland but I bet you would see the same thing there...maybe even worse from what I heard about the "hillbillies" and "rednecks".

Edited by - bystander on 05/17/2007 06:47:56
Bystander, you are right, Mainland has it's share of "Ainokea" - the 'lawn cars' of the poorer areas are still there. For generations, garbage has been something that was taken care of in ones yard. It is very hard to change the mindset of generations old habits. The statistics from the Earth Day & International Coastal Cleanups show that there is not much difference in the debris left - in fact most of the Hawaii cleanups do better at the total amount versus land area, the main exceptions are for the South Point, Kau & NW island cleanups, and that is all drifted in debris - literally tons of it - that drift here every year on the oceans currents. If you ever want an eye opening experience as to our species, join a South Point cleanup... the good, the bad and the truly ugly all combined into a small beach area.
Matson donates containers to ship out the waste for many of the really big cleanups (lava tube dump in 'O'okala in '05 & the South Point beach cleanups). What is needed on most of the cleanups is more volunteers & more education to everyone about how much we rely on a very balanced system, and how easy it is to screw up that balance.

Edited by - carey on 05/17/2007 08:35:56
HAhaha lawn cars, Carey in No Cal the lawn cars are decorated with free stuff like shells broken mirrors plants antlers and such and really creatively turned into works of art. One day I hope to help you and volunteer for the beach clean ups! Looking forward to it!

The word in our family has always been, we may be poor but we WILL be clean! I understand Bystanders sentiment and believe a lot of what he says is valid observation. However when people hold neighborhood cleanups, offer free lunch and sodas, still neighbors doing the work are the same old ones turning a hand. Oh well looking ahead I'll be one of the turners, it is better to light a candel than shout into the darkness no!

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Aloha, Mella, and all,

Having just spent 3 months on the West coast of Mexico, I have a good idea where that trash that washes up on the beach on BI comes from. After Semana Santa--the biggest two-week holiday in Mexico--the beaches I was at sparkled like diamonds with 2 liter soda bottles from shore to sea. Disgusting.

I also have neighbors in HSRE who, never meeting me, insisted that I spend $2500 to cut down an albezia IMMEDIATELY. The initial estimate of $5000 didn't even make them hesitate or consider my pocketbook. I was definitely ripped off for two days of felling. Two guys made $1250 EACH for two days work. Here in Northern California, it would have cost me $800 tops with the trees hauled away. They laid on the pressure, threatening lawsuits and other. I'm sure what they wanted was more sunlight.

I was happy to take the tree down for them, but would have preferred my own time schedule, not a rush job.

I'm not crazy about living next door to people like them. But I don't think that bad neighbors only exist in HI. Regarding cutting trees on my property--have you considered a civil suit? Sometimes people need to be reminded to be civil.

One of the worst messes I've seen anywhere was on the Makuu deadend of 5th, and it was haoles, not locals. This guy had lived there since the late 70's and had been collecting things ever since. He owned 1 lot, but had stuff scattered over 5 acres, even across the street. I heard the Hui sued him finally.

It's interesting that, when anyone talks about a group making land prices go up, the Haole gets the blame. I don't recall that attitude when the Japanese were buying property throughout the state and making the land prices go up in the earlier years. Even today, Japanese investors buy Hawaii property (although not in the percentage of the past) and no one blames them. It's always the Haole. Maybe because of the racial hatred fostered by a few that Haoles are bad people and non-Haoles are good people.

And the really sad part Buzz, is that it's all the same planet. The ocean doesn't know that there are barriers, nor does the wind.



"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
This or my problem is not a "hate the Houlie" issue, One neighbor might have indicated this, actually did in several curse sentences. However, It is a matter of these two neighbors getting together and attempting to force me out, neither will admit nor state the obvious which is one and only one reason..

They do not want a neighbor, but a nice clean empty lot so they can continue to enjoy their privacy on their patios, (yes they both have em near my sides of the lot) , views, (Volcano and elevations privileges), to the south neighbor, and breeze...

It really is that simple.

Latest up date: the one on the left, north has begun ripping out the foundation ( very large rocks or boulders) of the 3-4 foot high, shear rock bank bordering their's and my property. So, Now i can't walk on the property line without knocking rocks into their yard..And, it's making my bank erode into their yard. It's a judgment call: if they take out large boulders, which are on both sides of the line, including and not limited too, partial sides; some more theirs some more mine, Can they do it?

And or if by taking out any of it which makes my area erode into their yard; can they do that as well? Personally I think not. Not unless they place a foundation wall, 'foundation', with required permits and engineered plans, 1. before they begin and 2. within 30 days..

From my perspective, it appears as they are knocking out the foundations of my property.

From their perspective; well I guess I can't make a wacko observation So, go figure? All I know is, yesterday, when i walked along the edge observing their latest fiasco, , I could hear laughter emanating from within their house..

Edited by - Jeffhale on 05/18/2007 11:49:08

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