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WHAT is it about Subdivisions - Q & A
I am of the opinion that some wealth distribution is appropriate and necessary. With Friends of Puna's Future (FoPF) we have been working on a revision (redistribution) of the Fuel Tax Revenue (FTR).

All vehicles which run on gasoline and diesel pay a fuel tax per gallon. By state statute those funds are intended for the maintenance and repair of roads. Millions of dollars have gone from (mostly - HOVE is in the same situation) Puna subdivisions to the county. A tax mine. In Hawaii County 40% of our roads (750+ miles) are in private subdivisions. They generate fuel tax revenue (FTR) but none of that money is used to maintain the semiprivate roads on which the taxes are generated. I use the term "semiprivate" because while the roads are privately held in one way or another they are required by law to be open to public use.

We had some council resolutions supporting this proposal. Got nowhere with Faye Hanohano's and Gil Kahele's efforts at the state house. Billy Kenoi was less than useless on the subject. Status quo is what Billy supports.

Next step, if the county and state don't step up to the plate, is a Federal Civil Rights Complaint. There is a history of that having effect. It was a Federal Civil Rights Complaint that resulted in the Community Development Plans (CDPs). This has some risks. Once it goes to the feds it can become out of local control. The issues involved are quite capable of bankrupting the county. But it may be all that is left to do.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
n December 1966, the Hawaii County Board of Supervisors passed an ordinance requiring paved roads and water lines. This did not end subdivision but rather forced the elected speculators to extract more profit in order to pay for the improvements. The result was developments such as Kona Highlands. Meanwhile sales in substandard subdivisions continued as developers still held many lots.

Read more here:
Many people on "private" roads are effecively "double-billed": driving to get gas for a generator means paying additional tax on gas that has nothing to do with a road.

It's also a perfect illustration of the "whatever we say it is" mechanism: it's somehow a "public road" when County wants something, and magically "private property" whenever they're asked for support. That they don't count fatalities on "private" roads is a travesty unto itself.

Likely outcome of a Federal Civil Rights Complaint is that taxes go up for everyone: if tax revenue were "adequate", roads would already be maintained. Otherwise, where is all that money going?
Lately the CoH has been carrying over about $2 million a year in the highway fund. But you are correct about fuel taxes. CoH has the lowest fuel tax rate in the state. It probably ought to go up a penny or so.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Can you imagine if the County "evicted" all of the non-conforming "Homeless" folks? It would be a human horde of Lemmings scurrying about the streets!

The level of poverty in Hawaii is shocking from my observation. But it is PARADISE!
So, if you gonna be po', betta heyah dan deyah.
That they don't count fatalities on private roads is a tell-tale sign; they are in fact private roads. But they want to have their cake and eat it too. If there is a fatality on these roads, the association is sued; not the County, State or Federal government as in lawsuits on public roads. If the association's insurance does not cover the judgement, we can all be sued (owner's in that particular subdivision); it's bound to happen and I'm surprised it hasn't yet. Yet, I can get a 'no seat belt' ticket on the same road.

I'm kinda shocked and very pleased that they even bother to provide fire and police services and not make us drive to the highway.
In the Trib today is a case study in the issue:

Residents say road where tourist died is dangerous

For over a year the residents have notified the state and county about the hazards that claimed the life of a tourist.

“I’ve been complaining for over a year now,” Rowland said. “They did do some paving near our neighbors on the other end of the subdivision, but their lives are not in danger like ours are. I don’t know why the county has ignored this problem.

County Public Works Director Warren Lee said Thursday that Makai Cross Road is a “road in limbo."

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
As it was explained to me: roads that are really "in limbo" are on an official inventory, State makes funds available to County, after the road is brought "up to spec" it becomes an official County road.

The irony is that a "limbo road" somehow doesn't have to comply with any of the other County requirements (minimum 60' easement, etc).
"""""Can you imagine if the County "evicted" all of the non-conforming "Homeless" folks? It would be a human horde of Lemmings scurrying about the streets!""""

or sent back all the mainland transfers who constantly complain (trip) about our (chosen) rural lifestyle (ie non-infrastructure/offgrid/rawroad/etc.), and that have infested this purposely rural district in last 20++ years?? with road maintenance upgrade nonsense...

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha

good question,,,can you...ya'll...imagine 37% of us say'in "I ain't pay'in any more f'in tax's? what cha gonna do ??? lock us all up?????? funny...we the people have control and don't know it!!!ha

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