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altenative to fencing
Everything I read about bougainvillea says they don't like getting too wet. While I have seen bougainvillea plants here on the wet side they are few and far between. Seems the climate is not anywhere near as good for them here as on the west side.
The newer wireless electronic fences for dogs work well. The old ones used to just shock them as they ran through it because they would find that if they just kept going it would stop. The new ones wont stop until they are back inside and trust me they don't like that thing shocking their neck. Its also considered much more humane than a fence as it changes their habits and they control themselves instead of trying to climb a fence. My last dog was on one, and she only needed to get shocked twice. After that second shock she walked around the yard finding where that beep that comes as a warning when they are getting too close, and she would never go past that point again. Just a thought.. This is only one example..
Our doc that is interesting. My husband wanted an electric fence but I thought 1) our dog has a high tolerance for pain and 2) once out never back, but maybe that's no longer the case. I guess aesthetically I didn't want a big wire fence, so a hybrid or something natural would be preferable, but not if Bowzer heads for the hills, or Makuu....will take advice; thank all!

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