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Am I allowed to speak?
"Partial truths are used all the time by the moneyed powers: "We all breathe C02 -- so ... how could C02 be harmful to the planet?" It takes a really low IQ to believe this statement or the willingness to be led around by the nose by those who profit from partial truths."
Don't be fooled by global warming, it's about carbon taxes that are collected and allocated by the UN to foreign alternative energy companies that are controlled by big oil so they can control potential alternative energy encroachments. Need to be damn careful when negotiating your way through the information on that front, the big oil money folks are very slippery and know very well how create a cause and how to slip behind it to profit from it. In that case they are using peoples fear to generate greater control within the energy market.

Monsanto on the other hand is new chump change money comparatively and relatively new to the game just getting their feet wet and haven't figured out how to fool the majority yet... given enough time they could learn how to play the game of tricking the sheople. They have figured out that campaign funding and special promises will get enough votes to make themselves immune from FDA scrutiny and regulations.

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.
[quote]Originally posted by Wao nahele kane

Adam, Don't be fooled by global warming, it's about carbon taxes that are collected and allocated by the UN ... quote]

Rush Limpbaugh says a lot of BS and too many people believe this BS. You say "don't be fooled by Global warming" yet ALL the palaver he cranks out every day about global warming is BS. Carbon taxes have NOTHING to do with science. And, "it was really cold Nebraska last week" doesn't prove there is a HOAX concocted about Global Warming.

We KNOW why the earth's temp. doesn't go down to a 100 degrees below zero in Hawaii every night. It's those gases in the air that HOLD IN THE HEAT -- water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone.

The atmospheric computer models done by unbiased highly trained people who actually give a damn are valid.

EVERY argument that knuckleheads CUT AND PASTE and circulate around the web for more knuckleheads to CUT AND PASTE ad nauseum around the web prove NOTHING.

Every single one of them has been scientifically proved wrong.
"Shows us [sic] the mountain of health studies proving GM foods are safe."
"Yeah that's right, you don't have that data... because it doesn't exist."

You have it the wrong way around. There is no proof that GM food is dangerous.
Give me some of the names of people killed by eating GM food. I'll wait.
The New York Times poll sampled just over 1,000 people. In California, more than 12,000,000 people voted.
Which do you think is more accurate?
I think the Senator has every right to speak his mind on any subject.
But when he is speaking on a subject from which he could personally gain (as is the case with GM) then he should state his interest
(as he has done in the sig above) and he should abstain from voting on the measure.

Just my opinion, I don't know what the law says about this.
Originally posted by PaulW

"Shows us [sic] the mountain of health studies proving GM foods are safe."
"Yeah that's right, you don't have that data... because it doesn't exist."

You have it the wrong way around. There is no proof that GM food is dangerous.
Give me some of the names of people killed by eating GM food. I'll wait.

Congratulations PaulW, you've just earned yourself a 2014 Darwin award! Take a bow.

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.
Well, Adam, since you want to talk IQs, it takes an exceptionally low one to think you can compare a statement like:
"When it was put to the test in California it didn't even make 50%"
"We all breathe C02 -- so ... how could C02 be harmful to the planet?"

The former is a statement of fact that is 100% true and easily verified, no matter how much you wish it wasn't true.
The latter is a question, not a statement of fact, and it hilariously confuses CO2 with C02.

Stay in school.
I'm still waiting for that list. I'll be patient.

Darwin award? Do you even know what that is?
Well Mr. Voluntary Lab Rat, the first legitimate scientific study is being put together as YOU wait.
In the interim, I would recommend you take this little bit of advice from the CDC to heart and stow your comments until it has been fulfilled on a scientific level.
"The difficulties of this investigation highlight the importance of evaluating the allergic potential of genetically modified foods before they become available for human consumption."
From -
As per the Darwin Award... yes and I thank you for removing yourself from the human gene pool by lending yourself to voluntary GMO study as a GMO lab rat.

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.
I think anyone who is for GMO in its current regulatory climate should no longer be able to go to the doctor and be prescribed medication that has gone through the normal animal studies then three human clinical trials. Since they are so trusting of biotechnology companies and their ability to put out product with no human health effects, they should have to take the medications that have only gone through animal studies since that no doubt means they're safe. They're comfortable with all of us being guinea pigs when it comes to GMO biocides so they should have to step up and be the guinea pigs when it comes to prescription medication biocides. "Show me one death attributed to taking Thalidomide! That means it's safe! You're pregnant? Don't worry, nobody has died from it. You'll be fine!"

Actually, let's just do away with prescription medication clinical trials in humans altogether. If GMO biocides don't need to go through human clinical trials, then I'm sure medicinal biocides don't either since they're both just biocidal compounds. The ethics of pharmaceutical and biotech companies can be trusted and I'm sure they'll never make a scientific mistake because they're scientists and all.

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