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Opinions about subdivision.
If you don't mind cooler weather low 40 at night 65 during the day but its the driest area around here look at Volcano golf course.I came from Alaska Fairbanks but if its to cold for me up there I live in eden roc sure we get rain but a lot of sun too normal around 75 during the day but 55 to 60 at night in winter you can get down to the high 40s.Perfect for me.

We had a tough old gal come down our way from Alaska some years ago. She referred to herself as 'Mama Grizzly' or 'Sarah Barracuda.'
She lasted exactly one month in Hilo, and left because of the rain. You'd think a barracuda wouldn't mind the water though, right?

Most of East Hawaii is either wet, or really wet.

Hawnjigs provided these rainfall map links on another thread:
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I have to agree with a lot that's been said.

If you don't love cloudy days and rain and heat this place is not for you.

That also applies to bugs.

I just happen to love rain, cloudy days, heat and bugs!

Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management
Disregard what I was saying I thought we were talking about fern acres. Fern Forrest is another story. I never checked out that sub.
Thanks for the responses regarding Fern Forest. I will definately like to check it out.
I was wondering what sort of bugs you have up high dayna? I have experienced the roaches in Maui and fleas and centipedes on Oahu. I imagine mosquitos would be bad, I am accostomed to swarms of mosquitos and biting flies.
Yep, forget about hawaii if you get hot at 75. Tho, it's funny how the body acclimates to any temp. We are from Hawaiian Beaches, went up to a party in Volcano. We forgot to bring some sweats and had to leave early because it was freezing up there. We did not move to Hawaii to have constant rain and cold weather. If you don't want to see the sun for MONTHS and you like a lot of rain, and cool weather where nothing drys out and stays damp with a hint of mold, then fern forest might be for you!
You definitely do get used to the temperature wherever you are. I first came here from the mainland (New England) to Volcano, and couldn't stand being in Hilo for more than a few hours. Eventually I moved to Hilo and I'm fine there (though I prefer it a little higher, around Kurtistown), and I get cold in Volcano now. I was still hot in Honolulu though. Now I'm on Oahu and I'm gradually adjusting to the temperature even here, and Hilo feels cool!

From what you describe about your place in Alaska, Fern Forest will probably be familiar. That is the wettest part of that section of the island though - both above and below the rainfall decreases. While it's definitely true that 'typical "cloudy days" on the Big Island are broken clouds with sunny breaks', it varies a lot. During the time I've lived here, there have been a couple of times where it was sunny for a couple of months even in the wettest places, and also once in Volcano where it literally rained nonstop for three months. It can also rain a LOT - one storm a few years ago dropped 36 inches in 24 hours.
Originally posted by caswellian

Thanks for the responses regarding Fern Forest. I will definately like to check it out.
I was wondering what sort of bugs you have up high dayna? I have experienced the roaches in Maui and fleas and centipedes on Oahu. I imagine mosquito would be bad, I am accostomed to swarms of mosquitos and biting flies.

I have property in Orchidland at 800 feet (where we live) and property up in Volcano at 2800 feet.

Both have mosquito, centipedes, roaches, ANTS, ear wigs (shudder), millipedes, and plenty others I don't know the names of.

Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management
Originally posted by caswellian

If it is cloudier than seattle then i will look for something sunnier[Smile]

It is not cloudier than Seattle anywhere here that I know of. We get more inches of rain than Seattle, but, where I live, much of it comes at night. And it can rain HARD here. Not the constant drizzles like in Seattle. Here, it often rains hard, gets it over with, and then gets sunny. But I don't mind the warm temps here. I live in HPP, and for us, it is about right. You'll have to do your homework if you don't want it over 75 degrees where you buy here. Your off the grid living is pretty common here.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
I don't know you, but it sounds like Cali might be better for you.

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