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Article in March Penthouse about Puna

The general attitude is there is no more space for more people. If you came talking i've got some degrees, a business or two, and some professional experience then you might be getting a different response. Like if you were bringing something of value with you - like a doctor starting a practice or a farmer starting a co-op. OR anythinh besides i'n going to show up and smoke the good ganja! Of course everyone knows theres good ganja here - you don't need to tell anyone trust me. Of course sone don't smoke and of course some are old coots its a friggin tropical island - retirement destination. Choke full old well off white people raised their whole life to fear marijuanas terrible effects. Also choke full of old hippies ready to share a smoke with you.

My advice don't put yourself out there like that everything is under the table here you don't gotta rub it in anyones face.
Truly a valuable commodity.
Wonderful to learn something each and every day.

(I, for example, never even knew Penthouse HAD articles! )

I have been retired for 2 years. And your right it is a Retirement destination . I thought folks in Puna had the Aloha Spirit ...guess that's just for tourists .
Originally posted by malolo

Truly a valuable commodity.
Wonderful to learn something each and every day.

(I, for example, never even knew Penthouse HAD articles! )

LMAO. And YES Moscrilla, there is aloha here. please be welcome. we appreciate your intention in trying to share the article. there are, as you can see, a variety of characters living here. i'm sure you will fit in just fine.

MoScilla welcome to a forum, That's just a little taste of this Web By no means does this web speak for all of Puna. Puna seems to be a melting pot for diversity of not only many races but of many ages as well. Lots of older folks out here just starting out or starting a new life, or just starting to live period. Great place to stay fit, explore, adventure, or relax by the ocean when you see fit. The Puna area is blessed with year round comfortable temperatures with enough rain to keep things green and clean. Come buy an acre, start getting your hands dirty working your jungle, have fun doing it for life is short.
I find it interesting that people who come to Puna and say they appreciate the rural lifestyle etc., go and tell everyone they can think of to come on over and join 'em.. which in essence is replacing rural with suburban.. and it doesn't look like it's going to slow down anytime soon. Urban anyone?

MoScrilla thanks for the post.. and if you do come yeah we got aloha.. plenty of it.. and tens of thousands of others all simmering in this here cauldron waiting for the fires of Pele to bring it all to a boil!

That's right! Did Penthouse mention we're on an active volcano with a lava flow right now poised to cut off the one major road in and out of here? It is dynamic that's for sure Smile

Thanks for the positive posts. I appreciate it.
We have had Big Island Fever ever since we got back in December.
We get the Update from Harry Pritikin. I check the HVO Kilauea Status page every few days, The Hawaii Short Term SO2 Advisory page. Read about Frogs, LFA.... know about the lava coming towards 130. My point is....We were planning on moving to The Big Island ...LONG before I saw this article...I agree with the comment about where to find one... I just saw the thing at a friends house and he said Take it. And lo and behold it's about Puna.
I didn't mean to come out of the gate on this forum on this subject...but...Hey, it's out there it or not.
[i]replacing rural with suburban.. and it doesn't look like it's going to slow down anytime soon.[./i]

Rest assured, County is doing everything they can about this problem.
K den - yes island style is laid back,plenty Ua to keep all green n growing.
Penthouse is more than just airbrushed female body parts.
It has articles that portray points of view but the speaker of said article did not touch on the most restrictive MMJ laws in the nation.
Just that when he or she came here,they happened to chance upon some really good herbs.
There is also some really junk herbs also,depends on strains and time of year and ferts.
Have FUN here,enjoy life,spend the kala locally as much as can,be part of the solution and not part of the problem.
Be prepared to spend one dollar more on everything than where ever you are coming from except maybe AK or Tokyo.
Self medicate at home,not in public and you shall be fine n dandy.

~~~ Maui Built ~~~
Tons of aloha here. The people are the best. But there is more to Puna than this. It is too bad that we cannot legally export all of our products so that others can enjoy them in place, right where they are. In other words, it would be great if we could send the product to you rather than you coming here for the product --whether that product is tasty avocados, mangosteen or 420.

Of these, I only enjoy the first two, and the first one only in moderation.


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