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What are you guys feeling ?
Fallen ironwood 100 feet away just took out power. Guess what? Running power from inverter to cable modem works! So I'm still happy.
I decided to ride it out at Keaau US...great here so far...but we did just loose power... well
Freshening breeze + random gusts then back to zero. Little stuff starting to blow around ... No REAL rain yet. Single wall house breathing.

Good connections Hunt !

C A R E Y !!!!

We missing you !!!


Edit to add ... Nights like these ,,, We need you !
Midnight - heavy sideways rains and strong gusts here in upper Glenwood
2 massive ohia have come crashing down covering hen house and turning it to splinters,drive way blocked .
Vehicles parked down by neighbors but our home is now isolated due to down tree's.Amazingly still have slow dial up and internet.
TV antenna down from side of house.
Plenty power from the gen sets.
Life is a blessing
South Maui - 8 Aug 2014 12:14 AM - clear skies, no wind. Very windy earlier in the afternoon, no rain.
Very windy up the hill in Hilo. The radar looks like this thing is going to finally go ashore down by Nahalehu. It has slowed to 10 mph forward motion. We still amazingly have power and cable tv, and high speed internet.
Very, very heavy gusts in Hawaiian Beaches rite now.
Wind and gust now from the East by South East the house is still slightly wobbling up here on the 4th floor with the windows flexing in and out. I'm watching Iselle crawl right over Mauna Loa via NOAA radar. The ocean swells were huge just before sunset and been watching this storm rip apart just about everything that isn't permanent. Joy, joy here in Waa Waa.
Couple of trees in my yard fell over, just missing my house.

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