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Albizia Tree Containment
Me want one! Sure would clear a road in a hurry! Imagine 12 in a row clearing downed trees and how economical Albizia harvest would be. Spread it over old barren lava flows and see what grows, manage forests from that point.

Community begins with Aloha

Amazing that it is only an attachment to a normal excavator!
Here's a direct link
They already have plenty of those. I have seem them using up on hwy 11 to hilo in the median.
The county has brush cutters that look similar but not the same.

They can also grind down a small tree but not to the magnitude or speed of the posted drum chipper. Which appears to have contra rotating blades.

See flail mower attachments.
The chopper in the video might be the best money the County of Hawaii ever spent. People like to see things that look like they work, and this thing looks like it works, and works fast! Let the chips fall right where the trees are. After a year we would see if mulch from the chips keep albizia seeds from sprouting. Might be a twofer.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
On the bright side of this storms aftermath I believe iselle saved the county thousands if not millions?. I once heard that removing or killing each albezia was going to cost the county $2,000-10,000 dollars a TREE. The storm not only cleared some albezia but also made more folks aware of it's hazards and gave more reasons to clear more.
Puna property owners who do not live here or tend to their lots should have options on how to rid these trees and maybe a monthly or yearly payment plan for continuing irradiation could be in the future?.
Eradication is very difficult to accomplish, and certainly can't be achieved by an army of idiots recklessly poisoning the environment with toxic chemicals. But I expect we will see a huge increase in the sale of "milestone" and the state will quietly extract their 4.166% on each and every legal transaction.

Biological problems are best moderated by well researched biological solutions. Sure, chemicals are one "tool in the toolbox" but there really isn't any single silver bullet to solve all our problems, and all chemical controls have unintended consequences. What is really needed is a combination of insects, fungi, mycoplasmas and other small critters that attack only a single species or a limited group of species within a genus or family we wouldn't mind harming here in Hawaii.

The real solution is to send a team of scientists/ researchers to the native habitat of the invasive species and find what natural parasites/ predators have co-evolved with the invasive species and to import and release them here in order to try to balance the population. But just look at the uproar created when the USFS tried to bring in tectonia scale to slow the spread of strawberry guava. Sis Singer got a bunch of people hyped up about how dangerous the scale could become and a band of ignorant people jumped on board and claimed they couldn't live without guava jelly.

What we really need is a multifaceted approach to Albizia containment and on the social front what also need are laws and fees that discourage people from being absentee landlords and hold them responsible for the damages they impose on others.

Another thing that would really help is a large pool of money that people could access at low to no-interest rates for Albizia removal. The fund could be seeded by fees and taxes charged to irresponsible absentee landlords. The money should be set up in a revolving pool that politicians and bureaucrats can not raid for pet projects that are completely unrelated.

4.166 sales tax rate, you hate mainlanders except when it comes to begging for money you do not deserve what nerve to want government assistance and handouts. Your population density is crap, your tax rate ultra low. And somehow you can't seem to put two and two together.

with the almost non existent income the local county gets its a miracle they can even fix one road a year.

it's revolting to read to be honest

Get rid of what you can on your own and help others if you can but enough with handouts, and a zero percent loan is a handout.

'Your whole idea about yourself is borrowed-- borrowed from those who have no idea of who they are themselves.'
'Your whole idea about yourself is borrowed-- borrowed from those who have no idea of who they are themselves.'
protoss - I think your comment is aimed at a very vocal minority, I don't think most here think the way you portray.

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