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Lynching? Too quick. Upside down crucifixion for all to see seems to be a better idea.
That old cage thing they used to hang from posts so you can throw rocks at them while they starve to death...
I prefer to bury them up to their necks and let LFA fire ants attack
I seem to remember a similar punishment in Aztec.

Right up there with flaying alive and ... I won't say the rest. [}Smile]
Who knew you guys were so up on this stuff.

Another old one is line a barrel with nails pounded through to the inside and put the perp in, then tie barrel to a wild horse. Variation on the spike strip.
Oooooo I like that one.

Ive heard a variation on burying, where you bury them out at low tide to their necks and then let the tide roll in..nice slow way to go!
I like the suggestion to use wildlife auto-cameras to record comings/goings on your property. I will definitely pursue this. Non-confrontational but get tag number to give to police. Enough people do this the perps will eventually wind up where they need to be.
Yes, I agree with the game camera trick. They keep a real good eye on my property, hiding them in the trees, bushes, etc., positioned them so they also "watch" each other. I put a sign "photo surveillance in use" to forewarn, and a fake" camera on the eave facing the drive for trespassers to notice, causing them to walk down the "golden path" of photo opportunity. It isn't so much of what they take, but more they violated my personal security space, endangering me and my family. With the photo, you can turn it into the Police, or you can make "wanted" posters to put on the power poles, bulletin boards, etc. and make them squirm by letting other neighbors see their face.

Community begins with Aloha
Tink, what brand did you get?

I tried several, but they all seem to have too long a lag time to get more than one image as the perp trips the detector. Then, even when set to the smallest time to take the next picture, they are already out of the frame.

I even tried the multiple shot mode, but again, you get their foot in three almost identical shots, then nothing...

Have the Browning strike force type, does multi frame/ video as well. 10 meg pixel, about average for the cams. With a 100 ft range, and placed accordingly once you know the "trip" range(area covered by sensor) you can get a good shot. Space them out according to range, so another cam acts as your "second pic".

Community begins with Aloha
Here’s a suggestion regarding burglaries in Puna. Residents should consider getting an air horn. These horns are relatively cheap ($10-$15), and are very loud (120+ DB). They consist of an aerosol can of compressed air with what looks like a bicycle horn on top. Air horns are often used on boats, and are usually available at any marine supply store, on the internet, etc. They are LOUD.
Having lived over 20 years in Orchidland, I’ve seen my share of suspicious people or vehicles slowly cruising down the street, or even coming up my driveway. When confronted, the usual excuse is “I’m looking for my dog” or “I’m looking for my cousin’s house” or some other BS. What they’re really doing is scoping out your place, checking out what they can easily rip off, and of course, seeing if anyone is at home. After being confronted, they’ll usually continue down the street, doing the same thing, until they find someplace they can rob.
There’s really not much you can do about it as it’s not a crime to cruise slowly down the street and you can’t really call the cops just because some stranger walks up your driveway. Here’s where the air horn comes in. If you do see a suspicious person or vehicle in the area, grab your air horn and let go with three short blasts. These horns can be heard for ½ mile, and you will instantly alert everyone in the neighbourhood that a suspicious person or vehicle is around. I’d call it a “neighbourhood alert”. At that point, those who are pro-active could grab a camera or smart phone, and head down their driveway to the street. The idea is, when and if the suspicious vehicle or persons come by, you take their picture. Why are you taking their picture? Because a “neighbourhood alert” just sounded, indicating suspicious activity. When the bad guys see a bunch of people on the street, glaring at them and taking their pictures, they will probably vacate the neighbourhood quickly, and hopefully, won’t come back. Pictures can be shared within the neighbourhood, the subdivision and/or with the police.
Another use of the air horn could be if someone urgently needs help. For instance, 5 short blasts could mean there is a medical emergency, an accident occurred, a fire, criminal activity, etc. Five blasts would be equivalent to crying “HELP!” and you’re asking/begging your neighbours to come over immediately. In areas which are remote, and neighbours far apart, an air horn system could be very useful and might even save lives.

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